2013高考英语二轮四川省(完成句子+书面表达)专题训练(16)及答案 完成句子+短文写作(78) 第一节 完成句子 根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。 1.Today people miss the simple and beautiful days when human beings (和谐相处) nature. (line) 2.In the tent, there were many poor students from the earthquake stricken area, (年龄不等) 10 to 20. (vary) 3.—Why did you go back upstairs? —I thought I (忘了关窗户). (leave) 4.We lost the game, but we (会赢) if one of our players hadn’t been hurt. (win) 5. (我一见到她) I recognized she was Dianna I hadn’t seen for years. (moment) 6.If man goes against nature, in turn, nature (报复我们) one day. (revenge n.) 7.I’ve learnt from my bitter experience that we don’t realize (我们拥有的) until it’s gone. (possess) 8.Only by hard working (我们才能向他们证明) our innocence. (convince) 9.Our newspaper claims (已发掘出) some important new evidence. (light) 10.—Why was he absent from the meeting today? —Well, be (肯定陷入) the traffic jam. (stick) 谈获得高分的高考英语书面表达(1)  新颁行的普通高中《英语课程标准(实验稿)》明确指出,写作教学的目的是通过对学生激活灵感、激发兴趣、整理思路、组织素材、规划结构、遣词造句等基本写作技能的培养,使他们能表达事实、观点、情感、想象力、交流信息,培养规范的写作习惯......。与以往的《英语教学大纲》中规定的能在日常生活中,写简单的书信和通知,书写格式和行文,以及词语无严重错误的要求相比,新课程标准规定的写作要求提高了一个新的层次,更加突出了对谋篇布局,遣词造句,情感表达的要求。本文依据新课程标准对写作提出的新要求,并结合实际经验,谈谈获得高分的高考英语书面表达五大特性:   一、条理性   条理性是指要合理布局文章结构,首先,在文章思路、组织材料、叙述顺序等方面要有一定的条理性。例如:题目要求写一篇叙述文,可以按照事情发展的先后顺序来写,若介绍某一场所,可按照空间顺序来安排行文顺序;若是一篇议论文,就应该按照所议论观点顺序来安排结构。全文结构应注意首尾呼应,前后相联。其次,根据需要安排好段落,各段之间要层次分明,每一段落的开头和结尾也要重视,开头语往往是总起句,结尾往往是总结句。   例如:2001年高考英语书面表达范文:   Dear Dick,   How nice to hear from you again. You want to know what is going on in schools in China? In short, things have begun to improve since schools were called on to reduce the learning load. I don't know about others, but I used to have to work even at weekends doing endless homework and attending classes as well. Now I have more free time, I can follow my own interests such as reading books, visiting museums, and taking computer lessons. In the evenings I can watch news on TV or read newspapers. What's more, I can go to bed earlier. As far as I know, everyone is happy about this new arrangement of things.   Li Hua   二、准确性   准确性是指要求写出语法正确的句子,包括时态、语态、用词和句法等,但是不少考生由于受汉语思维习惯的影响,在写作时自觉不自觉地产生不规范的表达。要做到准确、地道地表达文章,首先必须要牢记掌握一些常用句型或习惯表达,避免中文式英语,在实践中不断总结中英表达差异,养成用英语思维写作的习惯。试体会下面句子汉英表达上的差异。   (1)我等待着你的到来。   错误或失误:   I'm waiting for you to come.   修改意见:   I'm looking forward to your arrival.   (2)现在我详细地给你介绍屋子的情况。   错误或失误:   Now I am going to introduce the room to you carefully.   修改意见: Now I am going to give you a detailed description of the room.  ********************************************************************结束 第二节:写作 假如你是张华,近日写信给某英文报的编辑(100词左右),反映目前人们滥养宠物的问题,希望得到媒体的关注和支持。信的内容应包括以下要求: 1、宠物过多,噪音扰民; 2、污染环境; 3、不少人尤其孩子曾被惊吓或咬伤; 4、传播疾病。 注意:信的开头和署名已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Dear editor, Nowadays some people in our city are keeping too many pets, but they don’t care about it enough. So I want to tell you something about the problems caused by it. Yours faithfully, Zhang Hua 参考答案************************************************  Dear editor, Nowadays some people in our city are keeping too many pets, but they don’t care about it enough. So I want to tell you something about the problems caused by it. I consider the problems more and more serious for the following reasons. First of all, as is known to us, pets make too much noise that trouble residents a lot. What’s more, it’s widely accepted that animal wastes pollute the environment, which makes people quite uncomfortable. Many owners like taking their pets to public places where they may frighten children or even sometimes bite people. The most important is that pets can spread some disease and this has attracted much attention. Taking all these factors into consideration, I sincerely hope that I can get help from you and expect the media to do something for it. Yours faithfully, Zhang Hua ************************************************************结束
