2013高考英语二轮完形填空(昆明市)训练(4)及答案 热身训练----------------完形填空 I was busy working, giving little thought to the army when John, my son, joined the US Navy. John recently came home __1__ from the Middle East. He slowly appeared from an old car. He __2__ all night from Washington, __3__ he had landed the day before. He did not want me to __4__ him there. “I’ll need time to myself,” my son said __5__ calling from Kuwait. I gave my wife a start. Mother __6__ son. “I was so worried,” Mum said, __7__ he was really there. My wife gave me a great __8__: time alone with my boy. John was tired and stretched on his bed. I __9__ down beside him to make certain that the dark dreams I’d had about John being killed were __10__. I kept holding my son, the way I __11__ when he was two and came into our bedroom after a __12__ dream. I told him to sleep first, but he said there would be time for __13__ later. With the __14__ over, under and around me came unbelievable tiredness. I slept with his voice __15__ away. It was the first good sleep I’d had in months. I woke and John was asleep next to me. Watching him breathe, I found myself praying and __16__ for all those not coming home. For the first time in my life, I was weeping for __17__. Before John went to war, I would never have shed tears for them. He __18__ me. He taught me that our people in uniform aren’t the “__19__”. They are our family members. Sometimes shedding tears for strangers is a holy __20__. Sometimes it’s all we can do. 1. A. happy B. excited C. frightened D. alive 2. A. had driven B. was driving C. would drive D. drove 3 .A. when B. that C. which D. where 4. A. greet B. take C. meet D. receive 5. A. once B. when C. now D. since 6. A. petted B. patted C. necked D. embraced 7. A. making sure B. to make sure C. make sure D. made sure 8. A. surprise B. help C. gift D. respect 9.A. sat B. lay C. laid D. stood 10.A. facts B. truths C. jokes D. lies 11.A. used to B. ought to C. should have D. had to 12.A. sweet B. great C. bad D. wild 13.A. advice B. discussion C. talk D. sleep 14.A. worries B. meetings C. tears D. chats 15.A. passing B. dying C. going D. losing 16.A. crying B. to cry C. cry D. cried 17.A. friends B. neighbors C. strangers D. soldiers 18.A. persuaded B. changed C. trained D. guided 19.A. another B. other C. ones D. others 20.A. duty B. task C. work D. job [答案] 在儿子从战场平安回来时,一位父亲如释重负。他用一种独特的方式与儿子分享家庭团圆的幸福。同时,他对那些家人不能回来的家庭表示同情。 1.D。结合下文“母亲与儿子拥抱”“我与儿子躺在一起交谈”等情节,可推知在美国海军服役的儿子从中东活着回来了,因此填alive。 2.A。根据下一空可知,儿子是乘坐飞机到达华盛顿,然后从那里驱车回来的。结合时间状语all night及上句中的appeared可知,这里应用had driven。 3.D。where引导非限制性定语从句,在定语从句中作状语。 4.C。空后的“I’ll need time to myself”一句说明儿子不想让父母去华盛顿接他。greet“欢迎,迎接,致意,问候”,多指人们见面时的日常问候;meet“迎接,遇见,碰见,相见”,可表示“专门地迎接某人”。 5.B。这里是“when+现在分词短语”结构作时间状语。 6.D。语境为:妈妈拥抱儿子,想证实儿子真的回来了。pet“宠爱,抚摸”;pat“轻拍”;neck“搂着脖子亲吻”;embrace“拥抱”,合乎语境。 7.A。making sure“确保”,此处用现在分词短语作状语,表示伴随状况。 8.C。上段说,“我”让妻子先和儿子拥抱,那么现在是妻子让“我”独自和儿子在一起。作者把这比喻成妻子送给自己的礼物。 9.B。根据倒数第二段中的“I slept with his voice __10__ away”可推知这里应填lay。“我”躺在儿子旁边。 10.D。“我”之所以要和儿子近距离接触就是要确定约翰在战场上牺牲的噩梦不是真的,即那是谎言(lies)。 11.A。空后“when he was two...”暗示此处填used to,表示“过去常常”。“我”一直抱着儿子,就像他在两岁时做了噩梦跑到“我们”床上时“我”常做的那样。 12.C。孩子只有在做噩梦后才会半夜爬到父母的床上。 13.D。上句“I told him to sleep first”暗示用sleep,约翰说晚一会儿再睡。历经战争洗礼的约翰现在回到了温馨的家中,所以他激动得难以入睡。 14.A。孩子平安归来了。“我”终于不再担忧,于是感到前所未有的疲倦。 15.B。die away指“(声音、光、风)逐渐消失,停止”。父亲入睡了,也就渐渐听不到儿子的说话声了。 16.A。并列连词and往往连接两个词性、形式相同的成分,由于空前的praying是现在分词,所以这里也用现在分词。当“我”从睡梦中醒来,看到儿子均匀的呼吸,“我”不由得开始祈祷,也为那些未能回家的士兵流泪。 17.C。strangers“陌生人”,指那些没能活着回家的士兵们。这是“我”第一次为那些素不相识的人哭泣。文章结尾处“Sometimes shedding tears for strangers”也有暗示。 18.B。persuade“说服,劝告”;change“改变,变化”;train“训练,锻炼,培养”;guide“引路,指导”。在约翰参军之前,“我”不曾为阵亡者落过泪,而现在他改变了“我”。 19.D。another“另一个,再一个”;other“别的,其他的,另外的”;ones“人们”;others“别人,其余的东西”。他让“我”认识到:那些穿制服的军人不是“别人”,他们是我们的家庭成员。 20.A。duty“职责,义务,本分”;task“工作,任务,差事”;work和job都指“工作”。作者认为,有时候为陌生人落泪是一种神圣的职责。只有duty合乎语境。 ******************************************************结束 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 We see art everywhere around us. In public parks, city squares, shopping streets and public buildings, we find modern art objects ___36___display. ___37___ art, such as valuable paintings, precious statues and other fine arts, usually ___38___ in the collections of museums, companies or rich people. Both art and ___39___ have a history of ages. All forms and ways of expressing beauty have been explored. In the ___40___ of architecture, many buildings that were designed in the past have proven to be beautiful and served their purposes. Governments and companies could ___41___ millions of dollars by building or copying designs of architectures of buildings from the past. There are still many designs for buildings made by famous architects that were never realized. ___42___, some people find modern architecture ugly. So ___43___ should we pay a lot of money to architects for designing new buildings? The same holds for modern art, both paintings and statues. Many art objects that have been created in the past are now covered by dust in storerooms. These storerooms contain enough art to ___44___ all public buildings and other public places. There is no need to create more art, and as with modern architecture, many people find new art ___45___ to understand or appreciate. ___46___ these facts, why are architects and artists asked to create new art works? And why are we interested in creating new art and architecture, ___47___ using or copying what was made in the past? The answers to these questions have to ___48___ the ___49___ of art in society today. First of all, the function of art is to decorate. ___50___ placing art works in parks and hanging paintings or drawings on the walls we make our living environment more beautiful. Our eyes moving across an empty wall and resting on a painting, it is a moment of comfort and joy. Another function of art is enriching real life, as art is part of everyday life. Art helps people to learn to think ___51___. In art things are not always what they seem to be. People need such creative moments. It helps them to balance their minds and make life more interesting. Finally, art is often seen as a way to instruct the audience. Statues of heroes from the past remind us of our ___52___. Paintings and other art objects can also help us to realize which goals we should set for ourselves and ___53___ us in our everyday work. ___54___ ideas about society change and every period of time has its own taste, there is always a need for new art. We can still ___55___ art works made in the past for their beauty, but they are often too valuable to be placed in public buildings. 36. A. for B. on C. at D. in 37. A. Classical B. Modern C. Valuable D. Beautiful 38. A. put up B. end up C. set up D. take up 39. A. paintings B. statues C. buildings D. architecture 40. A. case B. point C. situation D. condition 41. A. cost B. spend C. waste D. save 42. A. Besides B. Nevertheless C. Still D. Therefore 43. A. When B. Why C. How D. What 44. A. represent B. equip C. feature D. decorate 45. A. easy B. difficult C. thrilling D. superb 46. A. Given B. Considered C. Due to D. Because 47. A. except for B. in addition to C. owing to D. instead of 48. A. match with B. go with C. deal with D. do with 49. A. purpose B. decoration C. beauty D. function 50. A. As for B. With C. By D. Through 51. A. creatively B. deeply C. joyfully D. interestedly 52. A. life B. work C. legends D. history 53. A. force B. urge C. require D. inspire 54. A. As long as B. Because C. While D. Although 55. A. prefer B. be fond of C. enjoy D. appreciate 36-40 BABDA 41-45 DABDB 46-50 ADDDC 51-55 ADDBD ***********************************************************结束
