2013高考英语南京市一模(完形填空)强化训练(10)及答案 B (2013·潍坊质检)A farmer once owned an old mule (骡子). One day, the mule fell into a nearby well, and he began to __21__ and made a lot of loud noise. After carefully assessing the __22__, the farmer felt sympathy for the mule, but __23__ that neither the mule nor the well was worth the trouble of saving, then he called his __24__ together and told them what had happened and __25__ them to help shovel(铲) some dirt to bury the old mule in the __26__ and put him out of his suffering. Hearing many people coming to help, the old mule initially was __27__ ... But as the farmer and his neighbors continued shoveling and the dirt hit his hack, a thought suddenly__28__ him. He was __29__ that every time a shovel load of dirt landed on his __30__, he should shake it off and step up!So he did, blow after blow. He repeated “Shake it off and step up!” to __31__ himself. No matter how painful the blows were, or how disappointing the situation seemed, the old mule just __32__ on shaking it off and stepping up! As you might have guessed, it was not long __33__ the old mule finally stepped over the wall of the well, painful and tired. What would otherwise __34__ him, actually blessed him because of the manner in which he __35__ his adversity (逆境). __36__ is life! As long as we face our problems and respond to them __37__, and refuse to give in to panic, bitterness, or selfpity, the adversities that come along to bury us __38__ have the potential to __39__ and bless us! Forgiveness, tolerance, hope and perseverance are __40__ in shaking it off and stepping up out of the well in which we find ourselves.  21.A.sink B.struggle C.leave D.sigh 解析:骡子挣扎,并弄出了很大的声音。sink沉下去;leave离开;struggle挣扎;sigh叹息。 答案:B 22.A.location B.ground C.position D.situation 解析:仔细分析过形势之后,农民对他感到惋惜。situation“形势,情形”,符合语境。下文or how disappointing the situation seemed也有提示。 答案:D 23.A.decided B.doubted C.complained D.responded 解析:这位农民断定骡子和井都不值得救了。decide断定;doubt怀疑;complain抱怨;respond回答,回复。 答案:A 24.A.brothers B.relatives C.neighbors D.children 解析:联系下文But as the farmer and his neighbors continued shoveling可知选C。 答案:C 25.A.required B.requested C.demanded D.recommended 解析:农民请求他们帮忙铲土把骡子埋了。request请求;require要求;demand要 求;recommend推荐。 答案:B 26.A.house B.water C.hole D.well 解析:联系上文One day,the mule fell into a nearby well可知选D。 答案:D 27.A.excited B.amused C.disappointed D.surprised 解析:听到许多人来帮忙,起初骡子很激动(excited)。 答案:A 28.A.came B.happened C.struck D.occurred 解析:他忽然想起了一个主意。a(n) thought/idea stricks sb.某人忽然想起一个主意,是固定搭配。 答案:C 29.A.awake B.aware C.afraid D.ashamed 解析:他意识到每次土落到他背上时……awake清醒的;aware意识到的;afraid害怕的;ashamed羞愧的。 答案:B 30.A.chest B.stomach C.tail D.back 解析:联系上文the dirt hit his back可知选D。 答案:D] 31.A.enjoy B.express C.encourage D.praise 解析:他不断地说“把土抖掉,向上迈”来鼓励自己。 答案:C 32.A.kept B.held C.moved D.relied 解析:老骡子不断地抖土向上迈。keep on doing 坚持做某事。 答案:A 33.A.when B.before C.until D.since 解析:正如你猜测的那样,不久骡子就上到了井沿上。it was/is not long before不久。 答案:B 34.A.save B.protect C.desert D.bury 解析:因为他处理逆境的方式,使一件本来会埋葬他的事,事实上却拯救了他。联系 上文to help shovel(铲)some dirt to bury the old mule可知选D。 答案:D 35.A.solved B.handled C.refused D.experienced 解析:solve解决;handle处理;refuse拒绝;experience体验。句意见上题解析。 答案:B 36.A.That B.How C.As D.What 解析:这就是生活。that代指前面提到的事情。 答案:A 37.A.readily B.passively C.positively D.willingly 解析:只要我们积极地面对问题,应对问题,不向恐慌、痛苦和自怜屈服……readily 容易地,不费事地;passively被动地;positively积极地;willingly愿意地。 答案:C 38.A.frequently B.seldom C.never D.usually 解析:要埋葬我们的逆境通常(usually)有可能会对我们有利且保佑我们。 答案:D 39.A.affect B.benefit C.direct D.conduct 解析:affect影响;benefit有利;direct指导,指挥;conduct举止,表现。根据语境可知选B。 答案:B 40.A.cheerful B.hopeful C.helpful D.meaningful 解析:宽容、忍让、希望和坚持在抖掉土和迈出井方面是非常有帮助的。 答案:C。 ********************************************************结束 A (2013·西城区模拟)I'd been travelling for long hours on a lonely country road when I had a flat tyre. So I had to stop and get the tools to __1__ the problem. It certainly wasn't __2__ doing this with a white shirt and suit on. Nightfall was approaching. Suddenly a car pulled __3__ from behind me. A man got out and offered to __4__ me. Seeing his unpleasant appearance and tattoos (文身) on his arm, I became __5__ as thoughts of robberies flashed through my mind. But __6__ I could say anything he had already begun to take the tools to change the __7__. While watching him I happened to look back at his car and noticed someone sitting in the passenger seat. This __8__ me. Then, without __9__, it began to rain. He suggested that I wait in his car because my car was unsafe. As the rain increased, getting us wet within seconds I __10__ agreed. When I settled into the back seat, a woman's voice came from the front seat. “Are you all right?” She turned around to me. “Yes, I am,” I replied with much __11__ when seeing an old woman there. It must be his mom, I thought. To my __12__, the old woman was a neighbor of the man who was helping me. “Jeff insisted on stopping when he saw you __13__ with the tyre. ” “I am grateful for his help,” I said. “Me,too!” She said with a smile. He helped drive her to see her husband twice a week in a nursing home. She also said that he __14__ at the church and tutored disadvantaged students. The rain stopped and Jeff and I changed the tyre. I tried to offer him money and of course he __15__ it. It was shameful that I judged people by the way they __16__. As we shook hands I began to apologize for my __17__. He said, “I experience that same __18__ often. People who look like me don't do nice things. I __19__ thought about changing the way. But then I saw this as a chance to make a __20__. So I'll leave you with the same question I ask everyone who takes time to know me: If Jesus returned tomorrow and walked among us again, would you recognize Him by what He wore or by what He did?” 语篇解读:作者的车在途中瘪胎,一名陌生的男子主动提供帮助。他的外貌让作者提心吊胆,后来作者才发觉对方并无恶意,而且他还帮作者换好了轮胎,作者深深为自己以貌取人的做法感到羞愧。 1.A.find B.make C.fix D.avoid 解析:上一句提到车胎瘪了,所以作者不得不停下来用工具解决这个问题。此处fix表示“修理”。 答案:C 2.A.useful B.easy C.wise D.lucky 解析:作者穿着白色的衬衣和套装,处理这样的问题当然不“容易”。 答案:B 3.A.up B.out C.on D.round 解析:突然一辆车在作者身后停了下来。此处pull up表示“(使车)停下”。 答案:A 4.A.carry B.lift C.drive D.help 解析:一名男子从车里走出来,主动“帮助”作者。7空后面的内容是线索提示。 答案:D 5.A.discouraged B.frightened C.disappointed D.astonished 解析:作者看到他那令人讨厌的外貌和胳膊上的文身后,脑海中闪现出打劫的场景,开始“害怕”起来。A项表示“气馁的”,C项表示“失望的”,D项表示“吃惊的”,均不符合语境。 答案:B 6.A.when B.until C.as D.before 解析:作者还“没有来得及”说任何话,他已经开始接过工具忙碌起来。before表示“在……之前”。 答案:D 7.A.tyre B.suit C.expression D.shirt 解析:文章开头部分提到作者的车胎瘪了,所以那位男子是在更换“车胎”。 答案:A 8.A.embarrassed B.concerned C.calmed D.puzzled 解析:作者看到男子的第一反应是抢劫,此时又注意到车中还坐着另外一个人,自然感到非常“担心”。此处concern 表示“让(某人)担忧”。 答案:B 9.A.warning B.realizing C.knowing D.waiting 解析:随后,没有任何“先兆”,天开始下雨。warning“先兆”。 答案:A 10.A.directly B.happily C.hurriedly D.unwillingly 解析:根据作者见到这名男子后的反应可推测作者“不情愿地”同意了对方的建议。 答案:D 11.A.fear B.satisfaction C.relief D.excitement 解析:作者原以为会遭遇抢劫,想不到车中坐的是一位老太太,因此感到非常“宽慰”。 答案:C 12.A.regret B.amusement C.surprise D.delight 解析:上一句提到作者猜想这位老太太一定是男子的妈妈,此处指出她是男子的邻居,由此可知作者感到非常“惊讶”。 答案:C 13.A.working B.repairing C.fighting D.struggling 解析:老太太告诉作者当Jeff看到作者“吃力地”修理车胎时,就坚持要停下来。struggle“吃力地进行”。 答案:D 14.A.studied B.performed C.grew D.volunteered 解析:根据上一句中的内容可推测男子是“自愿”在教堂从事义务劳动。另外,本句后半部分提到的他对贫困学生的帮助也是线索提示。 答案:D 15.A.refused B.kept C.ignored D.left 解析:上一段的后半部分提到他免费帮助老太太,还经常做义务服务,由此可知他理所当然地“拒绝”了作者给他的酬劳。 答案:A 16.A.behaved B.spoke C.looked D.thought 解析:第二段的前半部分提到作者是在看到他的外貌和胳膊上的文身后才联想到了抢劫,所以此处是为自己以“貌”取人感到羞愧。 答案:C 17.A.selfishness B.stupidity C.weakness D.disability 解析:作者根据Jeff的外貌判断他是想抢劫,想不到对方是在真心帮助自己,所以作者为自己的“愚蠢”道歉。 答案:B 18.A.life B.incident C.reaction D.change 解析:作者见到男子的第一想法是抢劫,由此可知男子经常经历同样的“反应”。 答案:C 19.A.hardly B.actually C.finally D.probably 解析:男子说外貌看起来像他那样的人不做好事,他“实际上”考虑过改变这种形象。 答案:B 20.A.point B.start C.remark D.comparison 解析:由下文男子留给人们的问题可知男子把这看做是一次证明一种看法的机会,此处point表示“看法,观点”。 答案:A. *********************************************************结束
