2013高考英语南京市一模(完形填空)强化训练(3)及答案 B Today's English learner has a wide choice of dictionaries. There are __21__ with American English, with British English, with idioms or slang, and __22__ with pictures. One of the most __23__ dictionaries I have seen among many students is the __24__ electronic dictionary. All you have to do is to __25__ a word in your language and you can see it and __26__ it in English. That's great, right? Well, I think it's great, too... but only sometimes. Bilingual electronic dictionaries are fast and __27__. They can be great __28__ you are traveling and need information quickly. __29__ I am against electronic dictionaries and even bilingual __30__ dictionaries in many cases. Let me explain. When you reach an intermediate (中等程度的) level of English, you know __31__ of the language to ask the meaning of certain things while using English. Translating between languages in your head __32__ time. You should be translating as little as possible and __33__ in English as much as possible. I strongly recommend that intermediate and advanced students should __34__ an English-English dictionary that is made __35__ for your understanding. For example, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press has good dictionaries for students and __36__ publishing houses do, too. I also feel that paper dictionaries are better for studying than electronic dictionaries. True, they take longer to use. But, for some reason, the information you __37__ seems to stay in your head longer. It may be __38__ you are forced to spell the word in your head and therefore “see it” more clearly in your __39__. So what do you do if you have checked an English-English dictionary and still don't understand something? Go to your bilingual dictionary. It is useful sometimes. Just remember to try to __40__ in English as much as possible. 语篇解读:本文作者向我们介绍了发声的电子词典、双语对照词典以及纸质词典的特点并反对使用电子词典,主张中等水平及其以上的英语学习者使用英英词典,这更能培养英语思维。 21.A.dictionaries B.books C.magazines D.papers 解析:根据逻辑以及本段第一句可知,有各种各样的词典。 答案:A 22.A.still B.even C.yet D.just 解析:甚至有的词典配有图片,用even来表示进一步说明。 答案:B 23.A.interesting B.useful C.expensive D.popular 解析:结合下文可知,这种会发声的电子词典很受学生欢迎。 答案:D 24.A.saying B.talking C.speaking D.telling 解析:从下文可知,你用你的语言输入一个单词,这种会发声的电子词典就能用英语 说出这个单词,此处强调人机的交流,所以用talking。 答案:B 25.A.take down B.get across C.type in D.say out 解析:此处表示用你的语言输入一个单词,所以用“type in”表示“输入”。 答案:C 26.A.observe B.feel C.hear D.say 解析:根据上下文以及逻辑可知,你输入一个单词,这种会发声的电子词典就能用英 语说出这个单词,自然你可以在会发声的电子词典里看到这个单词并听到这个单词的 英语发音。 答案:C 27.A.difficult B.vital C.helpful D.easy 解析:根据下文可知,双语电子词典既快速又简捷。 答案:D 28.A.when B.as C.after D.before 解析:当(when)你在旅行的时候,有双语电子词典非常好。 答案:A 29.A.So B.And C.But D.While 解析:前面讲双语电子词典的优点,而下文作者则反对使用电子词典,前后表示转折关系,所以用but。 答案:C 30.A.plastic B.paper C.electric D.visual 解析:结合上文再根据下文作者推荐中等及以上的英语学习者使用英英词典可知他对使用双语纸质词典也是反对的。 答案:B 31.A.enough B.little C.most D.few 解析:此处表示中等水平的英语学习者已经懂得足够的英语,能够问某些东西的意思。 答案:A 32.A.spends B.pays C.takes D.invests 解析:此处表示在头脑中用一种语言翻译另外一种语言很花费时间,故用takes。spend的主语不能是物。 答案:C 33.A.writing B.typing C.thinking D.reflecting 解析:由下文作者推荐学生使用英英词典可知此处表示应可能多地用英语思考问题。 答案:C 34.A.borrow B.buy C.keep D.use 解析:此处表示使用英语词典,故用use。 答案:D 35.A.especially B.practically C.generally D.extremely 解析:英英词典尤其在你的理解方面有帮助,especially“尤其,特别”。 答案:A 36.A.another B.other C.the other D.others 解析:此处表示其他的出版社,表示泛指,用来修饰名词“publishing houses”,所以用other。 答案:B 37.A.refer to B.check in C.look up D.put in 解析:此处表示“查阅信息”,应用look up“(在词典或参考书中)查阅”。refer to表示“查阅”时,后面一般接词典等。 答案:C 38.A.why B.because C.when D.where 解析: “It may be because...”表示“那可能是因为……”。 答案:B 39.A.mind B.ears C.eyes D.mouth 解析:这不是真正意义上的“看”,而是这样做在你的头脑里对这个词理解得更深。 答案:A 40.A.speak B.stay C.save D.remember 解析:上文提到用英语进行思维,所以此处用stay“保持”,表示“尽可能多地用英语来学习”。 答案:B。 ***********************************************************结束 Do you consider yourself to be a streetsmart person? Could you go into an area you are not __1__ with and blend in (协调) and you do not attract unnecessary __2__ to yourself? If not you need to learn some __3__ skills to be streetsmart and keep yourself from getting into a situation you would rather __4__. First off you should just avoid going to any area or place you are not comfortable with or feel would not be __5__. Why put yourself into a dangerous position for no __6__? If you must go into an area such as this you want to do whatever it takes to not draw attention to you. __7__ in a way that makes you look like you belong there. Don't look flashy (奢华的 )or over dressed because people will be __8__ you out and it may draw someone to you. Leave your __9__ things at home, for someone may want these __10__ more than you Look and act __11__ you are from the area and don't speak to anyone unless you have to. If you speak, say as __12__ as you can get away with. If someone asks you a question, answer back __13__ but not in a way that will prolong the __14__, unless you want to keep moving along. Avoid making eye contact with anyone. If your eyes __15__ someone else's, don't lock onto theirs, and keep your eyes __16__ as if you are looking for something and they just __17__ to cross theirs. __18__ you should avoid any dangerous situation by staying away or going around it. You __19__ know when something can go bad so being streetsmart could __20__ your life. 语篇解读:做一个善于在街头营生的人可以帮你避免很多不必要的麻烦,那么你怎样才能使自己成为“街头智慧”的人呢? 1.A.careful        B.friendly C.popular D.familiar 解析:根据下文内容可知,此处表示进入一个你不熟悉的(familiar)地方,故选D项。 答案:D 2.A.trouble B.attention C.pressure D.greeting 解析:从第二段末的you want to do whatever it takes to not draw attention to you的提示可知,在陌生的地方不引起其他人的注意(attention)。 答案:B 3.A.simple B.meaningful C.special D.funny 解析:后文内容介绍的是在穿着、说话方面应该注意的问题,故这些是很简单的(simple)技巧。 答案:A 4.A.enter B.hate C.avoid D.control 解析:不让你自己进入那些你宁愿避开(avoid)的场合,根据上下文语境可知,选C项。 答案:C 5.A.easy B.safe C.certain D.clear 解析:从后文内容Why put yourself into a dangerous position可知,首先你不要去任何你觉得不舒服或觉得不安全的(safe)地方。 答案:B 6.A.reason B.profit C.excuse D.result 解析:根据上下文语境可知,这些场合充满了危险,因此你没有理由(reason)进入这样的场合。 答案:A 7.A.Walk B.Speak C.Dress D.Look 解析:从后文提示Don't look flashy(奢华的)or over dressed可知,此处表示你的穿着(dress)不能过于显眼。 答案:C 8.A.figuring B.checking C.taking D.helping 解析:假如你的穿着打扮过于显眼,别人很可能会注意到你,check out“观察(有趣或有吸引力的事物)”,符合语意。 答案:B 9.A.fine B.secret C.rare D.valuable 解析:根据下文提示for someone may want these ___10__ more than you可知,应该把你的贵重(valuable)物品放在家里,因为有人可能会对这些物品比对你更感兴趣。 答案:D 10.A.clothes B.treasures C.items D.foods 解析:根据前句中things可知,此处应选items。 答案:C 11.A.as if B.even if C.in case D.as soon as 解析:你应该表现得好像(as if)是本地人并尽量不要跟别人说话。as if引导方式状语从句,表示“好像”。 答案:A 12.A.fast B.little C.much D.slowly 解析:根据上文内容尽量不要跟别人说话可推知,即使说话也尽可能少(little)说。 答案:B 13.A.exactly B.calmly C.naturally D.politely 解析:如果有人问你问题,你应该礼貌地(politely)回答但……。 答案:D 14.A.conversation B.process C.effect D.communication 解析:根据前面,别人向你提问与你的回答可知,此处应指交谈 (conversation),而不是交流,故不选communication。 答案:A 15.A.reach B.touch C.meet D.catch 解析:不要跟陌生人有目光接触,万一你们目光相遇(meet),也不要锁定对方的目光,meet sb.'s eyes“和(某人)对视,目光相遇”。 答案:C 16.A.passing B.fixing C.closing D.moving 解析:从下文as if you are looking for something可知,你的目光要不断移动(moving),就像你在寻找什么一样。 答案:D 17.A.hesitated B.happened C.failed D.managed 解析:跟陌生人目光相遇时,你的目光不要停留,就像你在寻找什么东西而你的目光只是碰巧(happened)跟他们的目光相遇了。 答案:B 18.A.Obviously B.Specially C.Hopefully D.Immediately 解析:文章最后一段总结全文,强调上文的内容,因此表示“显然”,你应该避开危险的场合,obviously符合语境。 答案:A 19.A.also B.already C.still D.never 解析:因为你不可能(never)知道什么时候会发生不测。 答案:D 20.A.survive B.ruin C.save D.develop 解析:根据文章第一句以及全文内容可知,此处是对上文的呼应,做一个善于在街头 营生的人能够挽救你的性命。 答案:C. *********************************************************结束
