2013高考英语南京市一模(增分)强化训练(1)及答案 B (2013·南昌模拟)The other day I was talking to a stranger on the bus; he told me that he had a good __21__ in Chicago and he wondered if, by any chance, I __22__ to know him. For a moment, I thought he might be __23__, but I could tell from the expression on his face that he was not. He was __24__. I felt like saying that it was ridiculous to __25__ that out of all the millions of people in Chicago I could possibly have ever bumped into his friend. But, __26__, I just smiled and reminded him that Chicago was a very __27__ city. He nodded,and I thought he was going to be content to drop the subject and talk about something else. But I was wrong. He was silent for a few minutes, and then he __28__ to tell me all about his friend. His friend's main __29__ in life seemed to be tennis. He was an excellent tennis player, and he __30__ had his own tennis court. There were a lot of people with swimming __31__, yet there were only two people with private tennis court; his friend in Chicago was one of them. I told him that I knew several __32__ like that, including my brother, who was a doctor in California. He __33__ that maybe there were more private courts in the country than he __34__ but he did not know of any others. Then he asked me __35__ my brother lived in California. When I said Sacramento, he said that was a coincidence __36__ his Chicago friend spent the summer in Sacramento last year and he lived next door to a __37__ who had a tennis court in his backyard. I said I felt that really was a coincidence because my nextdoor neighbor had gone to Sacramento last summer and had __38__ the house next to my brother's house. For a moment, we stared at each other, but we did not say anything. “Would your friend's name happen to be Roland Kirkwood?” I asked finally. He __39__ and said, “Yes. Would your brother's name happen to be Dr. Rey Hunter?” It was my __40__ to laugh. “Yes,” I replied.  21.A.brother B.teacher C.epal D.friend 解析:根据26空前面的“...his friend.”可知他告诉作者他在芝加哥有一个“朋友”。另外,29空前面的部分也是线索提示。 答案:D 22.A.managed B.happened C.tried D.wanted 解析:他不知道作者是否“碰巧”知道这个朋友。happen to do sth.表示“碰巧做某事”。 答案:B 23.A.expecting B.lying C.joking D.talking 解析:有一会儿,作者认为对方也许是在“开玩笑”,因为从茫茫人海中碰巧认识他的朋友的这种机会十分渺茫。 答案:C 24.A.funny B.serious C.careful D.disappointed 解析:但是作者从他脸上的表情能够看出他不是在开玩笑,他是“认真的”。 答案:B 25.A.think B.hear C.know D.see 解析:作者想说从芝加哥数百万人中碰巧可能撞上他的朋友的想法是非常荒谬的。 答案:A 26.A.indeed B.actually C.instead D.exactly 解析:根据本句开头的转折连词But可知作者没有说出自己的真实想法,“反而”微笑着提醒对方芝加哥是一个大城市。 答案:C 27.A.famous B.interesting C.noisy D.big 解析:作者认为这种可能性无比渺茫,他想提醒对方的是芝加哥是一个“大”城市,人口众多。 答案:D 28.A.began B.stopped C.refused D.failed 解析:作者原以为他会满足于自己善意的提醒而放弃这个话题并谈论其他事情,但想不到他沉默了几分钟后又“开始”谈论他朋友的一切。 答案:A 29.A.problem B.interest C.choice D.work 解析:下一句提到他的朋友是一个优秀的网球运动员,并且拥有自己的网球场,由此可推测他的朋友生活中主要的“兴趣”似乎是网球。 答案:B 30.A.just B.ever C.even D.surely 解析:下一句提到只有两个人拥有私人网球场,由此可知他的朋友相当了不起,“甚至”拥有自己的网球场。 答案:C 31.A.suit B.habit C.pool D.river 解析:拥有私人游泳“池”的人很多,但是只有两个人拥有自己的私人网球场。 答案:C 32.A.people B.players C.strangers D.friends 解析:根据本句中的“including my brother” 可知作者认识好几个像上述情况一样拥有私人网球场的“人”。作者的兄弟是医生,由此可排除B项;根据作者与兄弟之间的关系可判断C、D两项错误。 答案:A 33.A.advised B.argued C.admitted D.announced 解析:作者把自己知道的情况告诉了他,他“承认”也许在乡下有更多的私人网球场。 答案:C 34.A.recognized B.realized C.visited D.found 解析:也许在乡下有比他“意识到”的更多的私人网球场,因为他只知道两个。 答案:B 35.A.how B.whether C.when D.where 解析:根据下一句前半部分中的内容可知他询问的是作者的兄弟居住在加利福尼亚的 什么“地方”。 答案:D 36.A.because B.if C.then D.though 解析:他说那是个巧合,“因为”他的芝加哥朋友去年夏天也在萨克拉门托度假。 答案:A 37.A.doctor B.student C.neighbor D.nurse 解析:由下文可知作者的兄弟和陌生人的朋友去年夏天都住在萨克拉门托,并且是邻居,而且上文提到作者的兄弟是加利福尼亚的一名医生,拥有自己的私人网球场,故选A项。 答案:A 38.A.hired B.checked C.designed D.sold 解析:作者感觉这确实是一个巧合,因为作者的隔壁邻居去年去了萨克拉门托并且“租用”了作者兄弟隔壁的房子。 答案:A 39.A.smiled B.laughed C.cried D.nodded 解析:此处与40空后面的laugh相呼应,表示他“大笑”起来。 答案:B 40.A.chance B.pleasure C.time D.turn 解析:作者想不到事情竟然如此巧合,所以现在“轮到”作者大笑了。 答案:D。 ******************************************************结束 完型填空(2013届山东师大附中高三12月(第三次)模拟检测)  11 after almost seven months of complaining about everything, I realized that complaining didn’t change things. 12 just made my life worse. If I was going to 13 in this new concrete jungle, I had to 14 . I began to learn English by reading newspapers on my own 15 school. After about four months, I started enjoying reading the crime and sports stories. After six months of studying, my teachers 16 my improvement and moved me into a more 17 English class. I could go to the store and ask for things that I wanted to buy without 18 frustration. For the first time I felt like I was living on earth again 19 .I didn’t hear foreign talk. I 20 understand people. 1.A. find B. join C. see D. help 2.A. good-looking B. well-dressed C. better-payingD. highly-thought 3.A. once B. other C. each D. only 4.A. case B. condition C. situation D. state 5.A. packing B. trying C. managing D. arranging 6.A. reached B. entered C. got D. arrived 7.A. strange B. unusual C. standard D. foreign 8.A. hoped B. wished C. expected D. demanded 9.A. staring B. looking C. checking D. watching 10.A. texts B. newspapers C. English D. poems 11.A. Although B. Even if C. But D. Since 12.A. It B. They C. I D. Things 13.A. live B. study C. survive D. continue 14.A. adapt B. adopt C. adore D. admire 15.A. for B. in C. after D. at 16.A. made B. noticed C. concerned D. remember 17.A. modern B. advanced C. difficult D. convenient 18.A. even B. ever C. some D. any 19.A. if B. though C. ever D. because 20.A. could B. should C. would D. might  【解析】 1.考查动词;A. find发现B. join参加,C. see看见D. help 帮助,这里表示;和父亲汇合。选B 2.考查形容词:A. good-looking相貌好看的B. well-dressed穿着考究的,C. better-paying报酬更高的,D. highly-thought 高度评价的,better-paying可以修饰job。选C  7.考查句意理解:从后面的I couldn’t understand. 可知是外语foreign,选D 8.考查虚拟语气:wish后面的从句用相应的过去时表示虚拟语气:句意:但愿人生有字幕就就好了。选B 9.考查动词辨析:A. staring盯着B. looking看C. checking检查D. watching注视,句意:老师总是注视着我的行动。AB都是不及物动词,选D。 10.考查上下文衔接:下文提到:I began to learn English by reading newspapers on my own 可知这里填newspapers,选B  15.考查介词:after school放学后。选C 16.考查动词:A. made 制作,B. noticed注意到C. concerned关心D. remember记住,句意:老师注意到我的进步。选B。 17.考查形容词:A. modern 现代的B. advanced高级的,C. difficult困难的D. convenient方便的,从前面的improvement可知老师让作者去了advanced English class 英语高级班,选B  ************************************************************结束
