2013高考英语上海市一模(完形填空)强化训练(2)及答案 In the early days of the United States,children were not required by law to attend school.School calendars depended on local needs. Students in rural areas went to school for no more than six months of the year—half in the summer,half in the winter.They worked on family farms during the other months. City schools were often open much longer,some for eleven months of the year.Parents were happy to have a place for their children to go while they worked. National leaders took a fresh look at schools after the Civil War in the 1860s.They saw a free public education as a way to help support a strong democracy(民主政治) and prepare workers for new industries.Immigration was increasing and so was the student population. More and more people saw the need for a system of required education.But they had different ideas for the calendar. Many city schools wanted a shorter year and a longer summer break.The schools were often crowded.There was no modern air conditioning,and air pollution from factories was a problem.Hot days would make it difficult to learn.A long summer break would also give teachers time for other jobs to add to their low pay. Many rural educators,however,pushed for a longer school year.They thought it would keep children safe from industrial dangers at a time when there were few child-labor laws.They also thought it would lead to a better prepared workforce. So the traditional school calendar was a compromise,with roots that now go back about a century and a half.The average school year used to be 170 days.Times have not changed much.Today the common average is 180 days. But some experts think the traditional school calendar needs to change because the needs of the nation have changed.This thinking has led some schools to keep students in class longer. 1.Why were city schools often open much longer than the schools in rural areas in the early days? A.Because children in rural areas were not required by law to attend school. B.Because children in city schools often had more subjects to study. C.Because parents in cities preferred their children to stay at schools while they worked. D.Because hot days would make it difficult to learn in rural schools. 2.The underlined phrase “pushed for” in the seventh paragraph probably means . A.struggled for B.went against C.agreed on D.called off 3.From the last paragraph we can infer that . A.experts have reached an agreement on the traditional school calendar B.some rural schools have already kept students in class longer C.national leaders of the United States will change the traditional school calendar D.with the needs of the nation changing,the school year will get longer 4.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? A.The system of required education was carried out after the 1860s. B.Short school year would give teachers time for other jobs to earn more money. C.Long school year would also protect children from industrial dangers at the time. D.Today the common average school year has changed much than before. 1.As we got there,the family was in front of us,with one person in between. (完形填空第二段) 当我们到那儿(收款处)时,那家人已经在我们前面了,中间只隔了一个人。 (1)The teacher came into the classroom with a book in his hand. 老师走进教室,手里拿着一本书。 (2)He lay on the grass,with his eyes fixed on the sky. 他躺在草地上,眼睛看着天空。 2.I have given selflessly before,and there is not a better feeling in the whole world! (完形填空最后一段) 我曾经无私地付出过,世界上没有比这更好的感觉了! (1)Your story is perfect; I’ve never heard a better one before. 你的故事很精彩,我以前从没听过比这更好的故事了。 (2)—Did you enjoy yourself at the party? ——晚会上玩得高兴吗? —Yes,I’ve never been to a more exciting one before. ——是的,我以前从来没有参加过这么令人激动的晚会。 3.Immigration was increasing and so was the student population.(阅读理解第四段) 移民数量在增加,学生数量也在增加。 (1)You have helped her,and so has she. 你帮助过她,她也帮助过你。 (2) She respected me and so did I. 她尊重我,我也尊重她。 4.Hot days would make it difficult to learn. (阅读理解第六段) 炎热的天气使得学习很难进行。 (1)I find it quite necessary to make some changes. 我认为作出一些改变是非常必要的。 (2)I consider it advisable to tell her beforehand. 我认为提前告诉她是明智的。 答案 Ⅱ. 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.D ****************************************************结束 (长宁) All over the world, people admire the beauty and grace of butterflies. Butterflies come in every color imaginable, and their 50 display an incredible variety of patterns. The largest butterfly, Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing, has a wingspan (翼展) of up to 280 millimeters and lives in Papua New Guinea. The smallest, the Western Pygmy Blue in the southern U.S., has a wingspan of only 12 millimeters. Sadly, some of these beautiful creatures are now 51 . Estimates indicate that between 15 and 20 thousand species of butterflies exist around the world. A number of these species are endangered, over 20 in Japan 52 . Although that number may seem small, losing even one species would be 53 . Nowadays scientists even look to butterflies as a 54 of the environment’s health, since they are 55 to environmental changes. Many environmentalists around the world are eager to protect the endangered butterflies from extinction. The American Museum of Natural History in New York, for example, has an unusual butterfly exhibit. This exhibit 56 the important role that butterflies play in our environment. In recent years, environmental groups have made significant progress in 57 endangered butterfly populations. Governments throughout Asia have passed laws to help protect endangered wildlife, including butterflies. An area called Butterfly Valley in Assam, India, has become the focus of conscious 58 to protect the butterflies’ habitat (栖息地). Other projects in Serbia, Japan, and Canada are also hoping to 59 . Some of these efforts are already starting to work. The population of the El Segundo Blue Butterfly in California, for instance, has increased by 8 percent since 2010. Finding a cure for the butterfly crisis is, 60 , not just for environmental groups. 61 citizens can plant butterfly gardens to support and enjoy these gentle creatures. A group of female prisoners in Belfair, Washington, are helping to rescue an endangered species called Taylor’s Checkerspot. They recognize how 62 seemingly insignificant creatures can be. The world cannot afford to lose any butterflies. As environmentalist John Muir once 63 , “When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it 64 to everything else in the Universe.” 50. A. colors B. bodies C. wings D. feelers 51. A. out of control B. in great danger C. on the fly D. out of date 52 A. nearby B. though C. besides D. alone 53. A. predictable B. possible C. imaginable D. terrible 54. A. factor B. picture C. measure D. display 55. A. exposed B. accustomed C. sensitive D. resistant 56. A. highlights B. changes C. replaces D. finds 57. A. preserving B. controlling C. observing D. recognizing 58. A. projects B. efforts C. steps D. groups 59. A. set an example B. keep the promise C. make a difference D. take the time 60. A. however B. furthermore C. otherwise D. therefore 61. A. Distinguished B. Leading C. Senior D. Ordinary 62 A. graceful B. significant C. pitiful D. mysterious 63. A. proposed B. commented C. promised D. recommended 64. A. restricted B. adapted C. contributed D. tied 50~54 CBDDC 55~59 CAABC 60~64 ADBBD *********************************************************结束 (闸北) In today's American society, background checks have become a routine part of hiring process. employers use them to __50__ potential workers, judging whether they are qualified for the posts. Through background checks, employers can also make sure that the information applicants provide is truthful, which __51__ the applicants' moral quality. Then what do background checks investigate? Many include a review of the employee's employment history trying to confirm whether the employee has ever been fired or forced to __52__ . Employers also pay attention to the length of unemployment, afraid that long-time __53__ from work may bring negative influence to the employee's performance. Sometimes, an applicant's residential history is also an issue. Jobs With state or local governments often require that the employee live in certain areas, reducing the chances for them to have contact with __54__ people. Besides living near the work place is always welcome as it saves time and fares on __55__ . Another item which can't be neglected is the applicant's criminal history as in whether he has ever been arrested or put into prison. Although __56__ like traffic ticketing or queue jumping are usually pardoned, breaking a criminal law is rarely __57__ and, in most cases, is sure to result in the ending of the employment. Then comes the social history. A background check that involves the applicant's social history is __58__ needed for government posts or employment in finance and law industries that require greater self __59__ . A small mistake in these posts may result in huge loss. The investigation usually checks drug use, family relationships and social contacts, in order to __60__ hiring someone unsuitable for the posts. Background investigators who __61__ social history may interview neighbors and professional references __62__ by the applicant. Finally in the field Of education background, an application form may ask for copies of licenses or University diplomas to show the applicant's __63__ performances. In many instances, an education background check is so __64__ about details that investigators even confirm the date on which the employee earned his degree to determine if it agrees With the information the employee provided On his application. 50. A. qualify B. assess C. treat D. reward  51. A. practises B. supplies C. destroys D. suggests  52. A. cheat B. apply C. resign D. complain  53. A. absence B review C. independence D. silence  54. A. bad-tempered B. ill-intentioned C. cold-blooded D. old-fashioned  55. A. housing B. facilities C. communication D. transportation  56. A. minor offences  B. serious faults   C. personal experiences D. public inconveniences    bothered B. spared C. paid D. informed  58. A. temporarily B. generally C. fortunately D. gradually    satisfaction B. confidence C. discipline D. awareness  60. A. explain B. discuss C. permit D. avoid  61. A. look after B. look on C. look into D. look in  62. A. recognized B. examined C. ordered D. compared  63  financial B. academic C. religious D. official  64. A. careless B. curious C. realistic D. particular   50?54 BDCAB 55?59 DABBC 60?64 DCABD *******************************************************结束
