Period 2 Learning about Language & Using Language    时间:30分钟 Ⅰ.短语填空 believe it or not;such as;because of;more than;come up;base on; even if;play an important role;make use of;a large number of 1.________we could afford(买得起;付得起)it,we couldn't go abroad for our holidays. 2.English is spoken as a second language in countries________India,Singapore and Malaysia. 3.Hard work________in his success. 4.The film________a novel by D.H.Lawrence. 5.She is________a teacher to me;she is also my friend. 6.________,Bill cheated in the college entrance exam. 7.They didn't go hiking________the heavy rain. 8.We must________every minute to study. 9.________students have passed the exam. 10.Sorry I can't go with you— something has just________. 答案 1.Even if 2.such as 3.played an important role based on 5.more than 6.Believe it or not 7.because of 8.make use of 9.A large number of 10.come up Ⅱ.完成句子 1.信不信由你,因为粗心大意,他没有通过考试。 ________ ________ ________ ________,he couldn't pass the exam________ ________his________. 2.我们正在说话,有个男子走了过来。 While we were talking,a man________ ________. 3.这部小说是以历史事实为依据的。 The novel________ ________ ________historical facts. 4.他们开始考虑如何利用这一种材料。 They began to consider what use such a material could________ ________ ________. 5.你知道他在这部电视剧中扮演的角色吗? Do you know________ ________that he________ ________the TV play? 6.我买了一辆车,和你的那辆一模一样。 I bought________ ________car________yours. 7.在老师的指导下我会说更多的英语了。 I can speak more English________ ________ ________ ________my teacher. 8.然而,她的儿子已认不出她了,因为她又脏又瘦。 ________,her son couldn't________ ________ ________she was dirty and thin. 9.对于他来说,把女孩从河里救上来是非常勇敢的。 ________ ________ ________ ________him to save the girl from the river. 10.为什么经过多年他变化如此大?只有他的经历说得清。 Why has he changed________ ________ ________years?Only his experience________ ________. 答案 1.Believe it or not;because of;carelessness 2.came up based on made of 5.the role;played in 6.the same;as 7.under the direction of 8.However;recognize her because 9.It's very brave for much over;can tell Ⅲ.单项填空 1.It is believed that________you work,________result you'll get. A.the harder;the better B.the more hard;the more better C.the harder;a better D.more hard;more better 答案 A [本题考查句式“the+比较级+...,the+比较级+...”越……就越……。] 2.Mother was worried because little Alice was ill,________while Father was away. A.special B.especially C.particular D.especial 答案 B [especially副词“特别地,尤其地”。] 3.He tried his best to solve the problem,________difficult. A.however matter C.whatever D.although 答案 A [however作副词,表示“不管到……程度”,后接形容词表示“无论多么……”。] 4.Applicants(申请者)will be expected to have________of ________English. A.a good command;speak B.a good command;spoken C.good commands;speaking D.good commands;spoken 答案 B [have a good command of...,“精通……”;spoken English,“英语口语”。] 5.Don't respond to any e-mails________personal information,no matter how official they look. A.searching B.asking C.requesting D.questioning 答案 C [根据题干中的respond(回答,回应)可知,空格处要填的词意为“要求”,四个选项中只有request符合要求。ask作“要求”讲时常用ask for结构;search搜索,搜寻;question质疑。] 6.—Is Peter there? —________,please.I'll see if I can find him for you. A.Hold up B.Hold on C.Hold out D.Hold off 答案 B [hold on意为“不要挂断,请等一会儿”,符合句意,其余选项均不是打电话时的用语。] 7.She feels strongly that each of us has a role________in making the earth a better place to live in. have played play be played be playing 答案 B [“某人有某事要做”常用sb has/have sth to do;play a role in...在……中起作用,在……中扮演角色。] 8.He had so much change that I could hardly________him. A.know B.understand C.recognize D.find 答案 C [know知道,认识;understand理解;recognize认出,识别出;find发现。根据语境应选C项。] 9.Good use that the villagers have been________the water resources has brought them a large income. A.making of B.putting into C.taking on D.providing with 答案 A [句意为“村民一直合理利用水资源,这给他们带来了巨大的收入”。make good use of好好利用,合句意。put into使进入,把……放进;take on,穿上,承担,呈现;provide with供给,这三项不与use搭配。] 10.In the army,it is commanded that orders________without condition. obeyed B.should obeyed C.are obeyed D.could be obeyed 答案 A [command作“命令”讲时,从句中谓语动词用(should)+do的形式,order与obey为被动关系,故用被动语态。] Ⅳ.阅读理解 A Canadian English  Canadian English is affected by both British and American English.In vocabulary there are a lot of US influences:Canadians use billboard,gas,truck and wrench rather than hoarding,petrol,lorry,and spanner;but on the other hand,they agree with the British in saying blinds,braces,porridge,and tap rather than shades,suspenders,oatmeal,and faucet. South African English  Since 1994 South Africa has had eleven official languages:English,Afrikaans(having developed from Dutch),Zulu,Xhosa,and other largely regional African languages.English is the first language of only about 10 percent of the population,but the second language of many others.The English of native Afrikaners has influenced the“standard”English of white South Africans,examples being such informal usages as the affirmative(肯定的)no,as in“—How are you?—No,I'm fine.”and the all-purpose response “is it”,as in“She had a baby last week,is it?” Indian English  Together with Hindi,English is used across India,but it can also be a speaker's first,second,or third language.The grammar of Indian English has many distinguishing features,of which perhaps the best known are the use of the present continuous tense,as in“He is having very much of property”,and the use of “isn't it”as an ordinary question tag,“We are meeting tomorrow,isn't it?”The first example shows another characteristic of the language,which is using “in” or “of” in idiomatic phrases.Verbs are also used differently,with speakers often dropping a preposition or object altogether,“I insisted immediate payment”,while double possessives(所有格)—“our these prices”(instead of the British English“these prices of ours”)—are common. 1.What does the underlined word“distinguishing”mean in Paragraph 3? A.different B.same C.short D.missing 答案 A [由下文的例子看出此处意为“不同的,多样的”。] 2.According to the passage,which group of words is all in American form? A.Billboard,gas,blinds,braces. B.Hoarding,petrol,porridge,tap. C.Truck,wrench,shades,suspenders. D.Lorry,spanner,oatmeal,faucet. 答案 C [由第一段可知。] 3.What can we learn from Paragraph 2? A.Dutch is one of the official languages in South Africa. B.Zulu is one of the official languages in South Africa. C.Less than 10% of the South African people speak English as their second language. D.More than 10% of the South African people speak English as their mother tongue. 答案 B [由第2段前两句知。] 4.How many distinguishing features of Indian English grammar are mentioned in the passage? A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 答案 D [由第3段知。] B This happened several years ago.But it has stuck with me so I wanted to share it. Every day on my way to work I would buy a newspaper from an elderly gentleman on the corner of the street.He would always smile and say,“Good morning.”His smile always made my day. Most of the people who sell these papers are homeless or poor and they do it to make a few bucks. One day Charlie wasn't there!Someone else was in his place! This other guy told me Charlie was in the veterans' hospital. It troubled me all day long.All I could think about was Charlie being alone in the hospital.I never knew he was a veteran who had served our country.I just knew his smile always made my day. I asked my girlfriend if she would go with me to visit him and she agreed.When I showed up in Charlie's room he began to cry.He told us he had been feeling very lonely and was convinced no one would ever visit him.He said that we were his only visitors. We told him we were glad to do it and thanked him for all that he had done for others. I never saw Charlie after that,although I heard he moved to California.That was thirty years ago but I haven't forgotten my smiling friend.A big thank-you to those who serve our country and protect us and thank you Charlie,wherever you are! 5.By saying “his smile always made my day”,the writer meant“________”. A.his smile made me feel very happy B.I always remembered his smile all day C.he always smiled as I made my way to work D.he would smile to wish me a good day 答案 A [推理判断题。根据常理可知查理的微笑会让作者一天感到高兴,故选A。] 6.What troubled the writer all day? A.He was late for his work. B.He knew Charlie was in hospital. C.He was alone in the hospital. D.He found Charlie an old soldier. 答案 B [细节理解题。第五段中的It指代上一段中查理住院了这个事实,让作者一天都心绪不宁,故选B。] 7.Why did Charlie cry at the hospital? A.Because he was afraid of his death. B.Because the doctor didn't treat him well. C.Because he had someone to visit him at last. D.Because he couldn't afford to pay the operation. 答案 C [细节理解题。第六段的第三句话说明了查理因为看到作者来看他而高兴得哭了,因为在生病期间,没有人来看他,故选C。] 8.In the opinion of the writer,Charlie should be thanked because________. A.he sold newspapers at a low price B.he always helped the homeless C.he protected the writer from danger D.he had ever fought for his country 答案 D [推理判断题。根据第五段作者得知查理曾作为士兵为国家而战,并结合文章最后两段的信息,可知作者认为应该感谢查理以及那些为国家和他人作贡献的人,故选D。] Ⅴ.短文改错 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 Dear Mr. Anderson, I'm not sure whether you can remember me,and we met in Bethany last year.It was at your daughter wedding.You and me had a pleasant talk and I told you a little about my job as reporter for New York Times.As that time,I do like to stay in New York,but now I'd like to get a job back in my native town.My problem is that have been away for such a longer time that I have not some job contact(关系) in Bethany.That's why I'm writing for you.I would be very thanks if you could help or advise me. 答案  Dear Mr. Anderson, I'm not sure whether you can remember me, we met in Bethany last year.It was at your  wedding.You and  had a pleasant talk and I told you a little about my job as  reporter for New York Times.As that time,I  like to stay in New York,but now I'd like to get a job back in my native town.My problem is that  have been away for such a  time that I have not  job contact(关系) in Bethany.That's why I'm writing  you.I would be very  if you could help or advise me. 版权所有:高考资源网(
