Ⅰ.品句填词 1.The __________(大多数) of students find it quite hard to live on the amount of money they get. 答案:majority 2.They spent a lot of money __________(装备) the school with new computers. 答案:equipping 3.Running your own business usually __________(包括) working long hours. 答案:involves 4.Computers can ____________(处理) huge amounts of data. 答案:handle 5.We still ____________(交换) gifts at Christmas. 答案:exchange 6.I’ll __________(偿还) you the money you lent me next week. 答案:repay 7.I’m not sure what I would do if I were in your __________(位置) . 答案:position 8.Everyone at the meeting had different __________(观点) . 答案:views 9.She ____________ (使娱乐)the children with stories, songs and drama.[来源:Zxxk.Com] 答案:entertained 10.We watched from a safe __________(距离). 答案:distance Ⅱ.选词填空 be equipped with; for sale; a great amount of; be located in; make up; be ready to 1.I believe that this house is ____________. 答案:for sale 2.That one weekend ____________ for all the disappointments I’d had. 答案:made up 3.The hospital ____________ modern machines. 答案:is equipped with 4.They were wonderful neighbors, and they ______ always ____________ help in a crisis. 答案:are;ready to 5.A million dollars is ____________ money to me.[来源:学§科§网Z§X§X§K] 答案:a great amount of 6.The school ____________ the center of town. 答案:is located in Ⅲ.单项填空 1.I’m very________about expressing my opinions in public in case I may make mistakes. A.cautious         B.confused C.delighted D.enthusiastic 解析:选A。cautious“小心的,谨慎的”。句意:为了防止错误,我在公共场合表达自己的观点时,非常谨慎。confused“困惑的”;delighted“高兴的”;enthusiastic“热情的”。[来源:学_科_网] 2.The lady looks prettier________. A.at distance B.at a distance C.in the distance D.in a distance 解析:选B。句意:那位女士在稍远一点的地方看上去更漂亮一些。at a distance距离稍远一些;in the distance远处。 3.It seems to some experts that 56.com,youku.com and tudou.com________90% of the video market in this area. A.make up B.bring up C.put down D.set down 解析:选A。根据句意可知,三大网站“组成”了该地区90%的音响市场,故用make up。bring up教育,培养;put down和set down均表示“放下,写下”。 4.Ten students________the research group to carry out the research task. A.composing B.consist of C.make up D.forms 解析:选C。句意:十名学生组成研究小组来执行研究任务。由句式分析可知此处需谓语动词,故排除A;由主语ten students可排除D; consist of由……组成,不符合句意,故选C,make up 组成。 5.She hurried back and quickly________herself behind the desk. A.devoted B.positioned C.left D.walked 解析:选B。考查动词辨析。position可作动词使用,意为“安放,安置”,符合语境。 6.All classes of this school are________with modern________. A.equipped; equipment B.equipped; equipments C.equipping; equipments D.equipping; equipment 解析:选A。equip...with...意为“用……装备……”,被动形式为be equipped with。第二空equipment意为“装备;设备”,是不可数名词。 7.You know Eric, if he won’t eat or sleep,it’s a sure________that he is in love again. A.significance B.influence C.sign D.event 解析:选C。句意:你是了解埃里克的,如果他不想吃饭和睡觉,那就表明他一定又在谈恋爱了。sign迹象,征兆;significance意义;influence影响;event事件。 8.Asian and African countries should have full of________for their separate experience on developing economy. A.movement B.argument C.exchange D.statement 解析:选C。句意:亚洲国家和非洲国家应该就发展经济交换经验。 9.He________that the rescue team climb over the mountain before dark to the place where the trapped visitors were. A.commanded B.hoped C.wished D.supposed 解析:选A。command后从句用虚拟语气,should可省去,其他三项不合题意。 10.________soldiers took part in the fighting against the floods. A.A plenty of B.A large number of C.A large amount of D.A great deal of 解析:选B。A项去掉“A”,C、D两项修饰不可数名词,而只有B项修饰可数名词soldiers。 Ⅳ.完形填空 In the eyes of a Western visitor, a temple in Taiwan is very different from a church in the West. The following is a report of this Westerner. For a Western church, you can__1__the great door in the center and walk straight down the aisle(通道) to the altar(圣坛),but a Taiwanese temple must be entered through the__2__gates. This leads you right to a large__3__courtyard. From here you can see__4__the roof-line of the main wall and doors. The pillars (台柱;柱) and the roof-line are often__5__with dragons.__6__across the outer courtyard, you will reach the main doors__7__you to the inner courtyard, and again the doors are not in the__8__facing the main altar inside the main building,__9__ to the left and right.__10__on the big doors are the fierce guardian spirits in bright and realistic details. To cross over the doorsill(门槛) to__11__the inner courtyard, you have to lift your__12__or you may trip and__13__. Once inside the inner courtyard, you can walk into the main building of the temple and__14__the images of gods on the altar enclosed within iron__15__. These details are “security measures” just like those a__16__has to keep thieves from__17__. Some of these measures are aimed at__18__, because ghosts (鬼) cannot__19__their feet over barriers, nor__20__make 90-degree turns. But the iron bars are obviously there for keeping thieves out. 1.A.come          B.arrive C.reach D.enter[来源:Zxxk.Com] 解析:选D。根据下文中的...but a Taiwanese temple must be entered through...可知,两句虽然语态不同,但应使用相同的动词。 2.A.side B.center C.inside D.outside 解析:选A。和上文中的...the great door in the center and walk straight down the aisle(通道)to the altar(圣坛)...进行对比可知,此处应是side gates,指侧门。 3.A.inside B.outer C.beautiful D.green 解析:选B。根据此处和下文中第6个空格后的across the outer courtyard, you will reach the main doors...可知,此处指的是“外院(outer courtyard)”。 4.A.roughly B.deeply C.clearly D.randomly 解析:选C。根据下文中的The pillars(台柱;柱)and the roof-line are often__5__with dragons.可知,从此处可以清楚地看到主房的建筑风格。 5.A.decorated B.covered C.filled D.full 解析:选A。此处意思是“在柱子和屋顶上饰有龙(的形象)”,此空格处应为“装饰”的意思。故用decorated。 6.A.Walking B.Walked C.Running D.Rushed 解析:选A。此处意思是“你穿过外院,即可到达主门”。从常识和一般意义上理解,作为旅游者,通常只是步行,“跑”或“冲过来/去”的情况,是不常见的。从语法的角度来看.B项错误,错误之处在于与主语you不能构成正确的逻辑关系。 7.A.directed B.instructing C.to guide D.leading 解析:选D。此句意思是“你就来到一个引你进入内院的主门处”,此处的leading充当定语相当于一个由which/that引起的定语从句。 8.A.side B.center[来源:Z_xx_k.Com] C.inside D.main 解析:选B。此处的意思是“正门却不正对着主殿中主祭坛的中央”。此答案可以从上文的...the great door in the center and walk straight down the aisle(通道)to the altar(圣坛)...得出。 9.A.and B.so C.therefore D.but 解析:选D。此处句意是紧跟着上一句来的,为not...but...结构。 10.A.Painted B.Drawn C.Written D.Carved 解析:选A。此句是一个倒装句,全句的正常语序为The fierce guardian spirits on the big doors are painted in bright and realistic details.此处的painted意思是“用油漆漆出……的形象”。 11.A.get into B.get out of C.arrive to D.reach in 解析:选A。从下句中的Once inside the inner courtyard...可知,此处是“进入”的意思。 12.A.hand B.arm C.foot D.head 解析:选C。根据下文中的or you may trip and...和...because ghosts (鬼) cannot__19__ their feet over barriers,可知此处应选择C项。 13.A.fall out B.fall down C.fall off D.fall back 解析:选B。此题主要考查与fall相关的词组的意义:A项fall out意思是“脱落;吵架”;B项fall down意思是“跌倒”;C项fall off意思是“减少;下降”;D项fall back意思是“撤退;退却”。 14.A.see B.watch C.notice D.know 解析:选A。此处考查动词的用法。强调“看到”的结果要用see,故选择A项。 15.A.courtyard B.building C.room D.bars 解析:选D。从全文的最后一句But the iron bars are obviously there for keeping thieves out.可推知,此处应选择D项。 16.A.school B.bank[来源:学。科。网] C.hospital D.park 解析:选B。此题考查对上下文的理解。根据句意,比较四个选项,银行的保安措施理应是最完善的。 17.A.breaking out B.breaking in C.breaking up D.breaking through 解析:选B。此题考查由动词break构成的相关词组的意义。根据keep thieves from,可知此处是指“破门而入”。 18.A.good spirits B.thieves C.evil spirits D.some persons 解析:选C。此处指采用此诸多“建筑特点”的原因。由下一句...because ghosts(鬼)cannot__19__their feet over barriers,nor...可知,此空格处所填内容应与ghosts所表示的意义类似,故选evil spirits (bad spirits)。 19.A.lift B.lower[来源:学.科.网] C.stand D.cut 解析:选A。此题可根据上文中的...you have to lift your__12__or you may trip...得出结论。 20.A.they can B.they will C.can they D.will they[来源:学§科§网Z§X§X§K] 解析:选C。根据文中的nor可知此处应使用倒装结构,而且此处与前面...ghosts(鬼)cannot...对应,表示一种做事的能力。 Ⅴ.阅读理解 On a cold,gray afternoon a year ago,I stood on the deck of our newly-purchased,half-constructed house about an hour’s drive outside Shanghai,wondering what,exactly,I had gotten myself into. My wife,a Shanghai native,and I had moved back to China from New York City in the spring of 2004,and two and a half years later we had decided to take the plunge. We bought a three-story,five-bedroom townhouse in the suburbs,in a town called New Songjiang,a place that was then—and remains now—very much a work in progress. We came here that day to see how construction was progressing. Our house,along with about 140 others,was going up in a development called Emerald Riverside. It sits on the banks of a small river that flows into the Huangpu River,which cuts Shanghai into two parts,about 28 miles to the northeast. On that dreary afternoon I gazed out to the other side of the river,looking at the only significant patch (小块) of land for miles that was not yet being developed—about five acres of green that local farmers still used to grow watermelons,which they then sold to the migrant workers building this town. In every direction just beyond the watermelon patch,office parks,houses and apartment complexes were going up,forming a circle around the farmland that was drawing coldly tighter. As it is in vast areas of China,the new is replacing the old,and it is not doing so slowly. It is doing so in the blink of an eye. How magical it is! I stood on the deck,thinking that my wife and I have become a tiny part of China’s latest revolution. As a New Yorker,I’m excited about that now,for my wife and I got an off the shelf mortgage (抵押) from the Standard Chartered Bank branch in town,plunking down 25% of the purchase price,and bought ourselves a piece of the Great Chinese Dream. 1.From the passage,we can learn that the author is________. A.a Shanghai native B.a native of New York C.a migrant worker D.an English clerk 解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中As a New Yorker 可判断本文的作者是一个纽约人。 2.It can be inferred from the passage that________. A.the house the author bought lies in a suburb of Shanghai B.there are 140 houses going up in a development called Emerald Riverside C.local farmers used about five acres of land to plant trees and crops D.the new is replacing the old,but it is doing too slowly 解析:选A。细节理解题。A项与文章第一段最后一句吻合;B项与文章第二段第二句不吻合;C项与文章第二段中...about five acres of green that local farmers still used to grow watermelons...不吻合;D项与第二段的...the new is replacing the old,and it is not doing so slowly. 不吻合。 3.What is the author’s attitude to China’s construction? A.Disappointment. B.Astonishment. C.Happiness. D.Sadness. 解析:选B。推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句How magical it is!可判断作者对中国的建设感到很吃惊。 4.This passage most probably appears in________ A.a notice B.a book on house C.a story book D.a magazine[来源:学科网][来源:学§科§网] 解析:选D。文体识别题。全文的立意深刻——反映中国的飞速发展,只有在杂志上才有可能刊登此类文章。 版权所有:高考资源网(www.ks5u.com)
