2009年高考英语时文阅读限时训练(一) (A) 字数:391 阅读时间:5′题数:5 难度:﹡﹡﹡ On the afternoon of September27, 2008, Astronaut Zhai Zhigang became the first Chinese man to walk in space on Saturday, clambering(爬上,攀登) out of China's Shenzhou VII space craft in a technological feat(成就,功绩)that made the Chinese people excited. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m "I'm feeling quite well. I greet the Chinese people and the people of the world," Zhai said as he climbed out of the craft at around 16:40 Beijing time, a historic achievement telecast live on CCTV. Tens of millions of Chinese viewers gathered before TV screens to watch the moment. Chinese President Hu Jintao and other top leaders had appeared at the Beijing Aerospace Control Center to watch the live transmission of Zhai's spacewalk. Zhai, 42, chosen by an expert team for the first "out-of-capsule activity," showed a red national flag, helped by colleague Liu Boming, who also briefly popped his head out of the capsule. Zhai slowly made his way towards a test sample of solid lubricant(润滑剂)outside the capsule, took a sample and handed it to Liu. Zhai safely returned inside the craft after about 20 minutes. The walk marked the highpoint of China's third manned space journey, which has received widespread media coverage. Zhai wore a $4.4 million Chinese-made suit weighing 120-kg. Liu wore a Russian-made one and acted as an assistant. The third crew member, Jing Haipeng, monitored the ship from inside the re-entry module. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m The risky maneuver is a step towards China's longer-term goal of building a space lab and then a larger space station, analysts said. "On this flight, Chinese people's footprints will be left in space for the first time," said a commentary(评论)by the Xinhua news agency. The astronauts went aboard on their walk after receiving a clean bill of health from doctors on the ground at mission control in Beijing, Xinhua said. Zhai's suit has 10 layers and takes up to 15 hours to assemble and put on. China's first manned spaceflight was in 2003. A second, two-manned flight followed in 2005. The only other countries that have sent people into space are Russia and the United States. Shenzhou VII took off on Thursday and is due to land on the northern steppes(草原) of Inner Mongolia on Sunday. 1. The space walk done by the Chinese astronaut was historic because ______. A. it was telecast live B. there were more Chinese viewers than ever C. it was the first space walk carried out by Chinese astronauts D. top leaders watched the space walk 2. The following statements are true except ______. A. The lubricant put outside the capsule was a test sample B. It took Zhai Zhigang about 20 minutes to return to the craft safely C. Many televisions and newspapers around the world reported the event D. There is an aerospace control center in the capital 3. The significance of the space walk is ______. A. that the astronaut can work outside the spacecraft B. it marks a successful step towards China’s longer-term goal of building a space lab as well as a space station C. it has attracted tens of millions of people to watch the walk D. that the Chinese-made space suit can be used in space 4. What does the underlined word “clean” mean in the passage? A. healthy B. paid-off C. not dirty D. clear 5. The best title of the passage is ______. A. First Footprints of Chinese People in Space B. Expensive Space Suit C. Three Successful Manned Flights by Chinese Astronauts D. Historic Space Walk by Chinese Astronaut 【阅读提示】2008年9月25日,中国“神舟七号”顺利升空,27日,中国宇航员翟志刚穿着中国人自己研制的“飞天”宇航服进行了太空行走。这次舱外活动是中国航天事业的又一里程碑。 【细解答案】 1. C 细节理解题。文章第一句说Astronaut Zhai Zhigang became the first Chinese man to walk in space on Saturday,即翟志刚成为中国太空行走第一人,因此具有历史意义。 2. B 细节理解题。文章说Zhai safely returned inside the craft after about 20 minutes,翟志刚在舱外活动20分钟后返回舱内,并非返回时用了20分钟,因此B项错误。 3. B 信息综合题。分析家评论说,神舟七号宇航员的舱外活动是实现中国建立空间实验室和大型空间站的长远规划的成功的一步。 4. A 词义猜测题。clean在文章中的意思为“健康的,良好的”,receive a clean bill of health指经过全面检查后,收到的健康状况良好的报告。 5. D 主旨大意题。综合全文内容,《中国宇航员具有历史意义的太空行走》概括性强,能全面反映本文的中心思想。w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m (B) 字数:358 阅读时间:3′50〞题数:5 难度:﹡﹡﹡ Britons stranded(搁浅)at sea or in flooded homes could find a real-life prince riding to their rescue. Prince William announced on Monday that he is to train to be a full-time pilot with the Royal Air Force's Search and Rescue Force (SARF). William, who is currently a Lieutenant(中尉)in the Army's Household Cavalry Regiment(皇家骑兵团), will transfer to the RAF and begin an 18-month training course in January 2009. If successful, he will become a fully operational Search and Rescue pilot in 2010, flying Sea King helicopters at one of the six SARF units based in Britain. "The time I spent with the RAF earlier this year made me realize how much I love flying," the prince, who spent two weeks with a SARF team while on work experience in 2005, said in a statement. "Joining Search and Rescue is a perfect opportunity for me to serve in the Forces operationally, while contributing to a vital part of the country's Emergency Services." It means he will follow a similar career to that of his uncle, Prince Andrew, who was a Sea King helicopter pilot during the 1982 Falklands war. The Search and Rescue teams' main duty is to recover RAF personnel but in peacetime they mainly respond to civilian emergencies, dealing with more than 1,000 calls a year. The units deal with incidents ranging from helping those trapped by sudden major floods to rescuing people lost while out walking on hills. William, who has spent the last year on secondment(借调)to the various branches of the military to prepare for his future role as head of the armed forces, received his RAF wings (飞行勋章)following a four-month stint(持续的工作)with the service earlier this year. However, his time with the RAF was clouded when the Defense Ministry was forced to fend off criticism for allowing the prince to fly military helicopters to a bachelor party for his cousin and to the family home of his girlfriend Kate Middleton. 1. Prince William wanted to be a full-time pilot because _____. A. he liked flying B. he would like to do something in the country’s Emergency Services C. many Britons were in danger at sea waiting for rescue D. he had much experience in flying 2. According to the passage, _____. A. the Falklands war broke out in 2005 B. Prince William served in the Army’s Household Cavalry Regiment in 1982 C. Prince Andrew is serving in SARF now w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m D. William would finish his training course in June 2010 3. It can be inferred from the passage that______. A. the RAF is an army that rescues its soldiers during wartime B. either Andrew or William is interested in flying C. there are many floods happening in Britain D. the prince saving the people in danger is no longer fairy tale 4. The author’s opinion on William’s joining RAF is ______. A. enthusiastic B. doubtful C. negative D. pessimistic 5. What is the purpose of the author by mentioning what the prince had done before in the last paragraph? A. The author wants to say that Prince William pays much attention to his family and friends B. The author suggests that the Defense Ministry was criticized when William flew for his private business C. William had a hard time when he went against his leaders D.The author has the worry that Prince William is likely to get the Defense Ministry into trouble again. 【阅读提示】威廉王子热爱飞行,在皇家骑兵团服役一段时间后他将被调到皇家空军搜救队,经过18个月的培训后,参加紧急事件或灾难的救援工作。 【细解答案】 1. B 细节理解题。威廉王子喜欢飞行,但他认为参加搜救队对他来说是一个在空军服役的绝好的机会,因为他可以为国家的紧急救援做一点贡献。文章第五段while contributing to a vital part of the country's Emergency Services表达了威廉的心愿。 2. D 细节理解题。文章说威廉王子将与2009年1月开始为期18个月的培训,因此结束时间当在2010年6月。 3. B 推理判断题。安德鲁也喜欢飞行,曾驾驶飞机参加过马岛之战。文章中有所透露:It means he will follow a similar career to that of his uncle, Prince Andrew, who was a Sea King helicopter pilot during the 1982 Falklands war. 由此可以推知这叔侄俩都喜欢飞行。 4. A 作者态度推断题。根据作者客观叙述威廉王子参加英国皇家搜救队的所作所为,以及作者文章开头的童话般的想像(Britons stranded at sea or in flooded homes could find a real-life prince riding to their rescue.),可以判断作者对于威廉的做法表示乐观。 5. D 作者意图推断题。作者对于威廉王子的做法表示支持,但最后一段叙述及前文王子喜爱飞行的爱好给读者的印象是他是特立独行的,曾经让国防部头疼过,今后当然也不会避免再出现让国防部陷入尴尬处境的情况。 (C) 字数:334 阅读时间:3ˊ30〞题数:5难度:﹡﹡﹡ Microsoft founder Bill Gates has recovered his spot at the top of the US money heap, taking the place of investor Warren Buffett as America's richest person, Forbes magazine's latest list reveals. With 57 billion dollars net worth Gates again leads the list of 400 richest individuals in the world's wealthiest country. He displaced Buffett who briefly held the position this year but who has seen his Berkshire Hathaway investment group's shares slip 15 percent since February and is now worth 50 billion. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m According to Forbes, whose list was published late Wednesday, the golden 400 have 1.3 billion dollars net worth or more. However, their combined net worth rose only 30 billion dollars, or two percent, to 1.57 trillion dollars. Forbes said that rising oil and dizzy art prices fuelled the entry of 31 new members into the ultra-rich club and the return of eight previous members. A notable arrival was Mark Zuckerberg, 24, founder of the social networking site Facebook(脸谱网). Forbes estimates his worth at 1.5 billion dollars. Meanwhile, turmoil(动荡)on the stock and housing markets saw 33 others drop off the list, including the former head of the troubled insurance giant AIG, Maurice Greenberg, and a former head of the online auction site eBay, Margaret Whitman. Biggest gainers were led by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg who took eighth place with 20 billion dollars worth after a transaction(交易)put a new value on his Bloomberg media and financial data network. The biggest loser was casino(赌场,娱乐场)tycoon Sheldon Adelson, whose fortune fell 13 billion dollars over 12 months -- the equivalent to 1.5 million dollars an hour -- although he still has 15 billion dollars and occupies 15th place. About two thirds of the list are self-made billionaires and just over 10 percent are women, led by television star Oprah Winfrey whose fortune rose 200 million dollars to 2.7 billion dollars. 1. According to Forbes, Warren Buffet is worth _____. A. 57 billion dollars B. 50 billion dollars C. 1.5 billion dollars D. 20 billion dollars 2. 31 new members entered the ultra-rich club as a result of _____. A. turmoil on the stock and housing market B. media and financial data network C. rising oil and dizzy art prices D. investment 3. The purpose of the author using the television star Oprah Winfrey as an example is to _____. A. tell the readers that television stars make money easily B. prove that a millionaire can become a billionaire C. women can also be billionaires D. tell the readers that most of the billionaires are self-made 4. It can be inferred from the story that _____. A. one earns much and also loses much B. stability of markets has much effect upon people’s wealth C. the computer industry makes more billionaires D. young people can also be billionaires 5. What is the best title of the passage? A. Bill Gates Leading World’s Richest People Again B. What Made Billionaires C. Self-Made Billionaires D. Biggest Gainer and Biggest Loser 【阅读提示】《福布斯》杂志日前发布最新美国富豪榜,微软集团创始人比尔?盖茨取代“股神”沃伦?巴菲特,重夺首富桂冠。在这份全球最富国家的“400大富豪榜”上,盖茨以570亿美元的净资产荣登榜首。 【细解答案】 1. B 细节理解题。文章第二段末尾提及股神Buffett今年的股票下滑了15%,目前的财富为500亿美元。 2. C 细节理解题。文章第四段说rising oil and dizzy art prices fuelled the entry of 31 new members into the ultra-rich club and the return of eight previous members.即油价上涨与扑朔迷离的艺术品价格使得31位新成员加入最富人的行列,另有8位成员重返400最富排行榜。 3. C 作者意图推断题。文章最后一段说just over 10 percent are women, led by television star Oprah Winfrey whose fortune rose 200 million dollars to 2.7 billion dollars,400最富排行榜中只有10%的人是女士,为首的是电视明星Oprah Winfrey,这一例证说明,占据财富的不仅仅是男士,女士同样可以创造财富。 4. B 推理判断题。文章第四段与第六段列举了油价暴涨,艺术品市场的高深莫测,股票市场和房地产行业的动荡不定使得新富翁榜上有名,位居显贵者名落孙山。由此可以推断:市场的稳定性对财富具有重要的影响。 5. A 主旨大意题。全文以盖茨为中心,叙述了他重领世界最富的情况。因此B项正确。 (D) 字数:366 阅读时间:4ˊ题数:5 难度:﹡﹡﹡﹡ One kilogram --- that was all it took to crown(给……加冕) the world's strongest man. German weightlifter Matthias Steiner pulled ahead of Russian rival Evgeny Chigishev to win the Olympic men's +105 kg weightlifting gold medal on Tuesday. Steiner lifted a total of 461kg, 203kg in the snatch(抓举) and 258kg in the clean and jerk(挺举), to beat Chigishev by a single kilogram. The German won the battle of giants in his last lift, winning his country's first gold medal in the event at this year's Games. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m Steiner's winning lift was also the last effort of the sport for this Olympics at which China earned eight of the 15 golds. Steiner was born in Austria and represented his country of birth at the Athens Olympics four years ago, placing seventh in the lower 105kg category, but had a falling out with Austria's weightlifting federation afterwards. He applied for German citizenship in 2005 and got married, but his career went into deep freeze(困境)as he could not compete without a passport. He finally obtained the document last January. The German, who turns 26 on Monday, had come to these Games on a mission to win the title for his wife Susann, who died in a car accident in July last year. The German team said he used the personal tragedy to motivate himself to win the gold medal. Chigishev was the strongest in the snatch session Tuesday. He kissed his fists after a 210-kg lift that gave him a 7-kg advantage over fourth-placed Steiner going into the second event -- the clean and jerk. He let out a victorious roar(吼叫)after clearing 250 kg in his last lift, but the glory was short-lived as Steiner stunned(使瞠目)everyone with his final, winning clean and jerk effort. Steiner had finished seventh in the 2004 Olympics in the 105kg weight category, and took the gold in the 2008 European Championship +105kg snatch competition, bronze in the clean and jerk and silver overall, with a total weight of 446kg. World champion Viktors Scerbatihs of Latvia settled for bronze. 1. Steiner won the gold by lifting ______. A. 105 kg B. 461 kg C. 258 kg D. 210 kg 2. Four years ago at the Athens Olympics Steiner represented ______. A. Australia B. Germany C. Austria D. Russia 3. The following statements are true except ______. A. Steiner beat Chigishev by one kilogram B. Chinese weightlifting team won eight of the 15 gold medals at this year’s Games C. Steiner didn’t get the passport until last February D. Steiner got a bronze in the 2008 European Championship +105kg clean and jerk competition 4. It can be inferred from the story that _____. A. Steiner was inspired by his unfortunate wife to win the gold medal B. Chigishev was also the strongest in the second event C. it is hard to get a German citizenship D. Steiner was determined to win the medal for the German team 5. What is the best title of the story? A. Narrow Victory B. Pitiful Failure C. Gold Medal for His Dearest Wife D. Strongest Man of the World 【阅读提示】德国举重运动员马蒂亚斯?施泰纳在北京奥运会冠军领奖台上亲吻亡妻苏姗娜的照片,含泪感叹他终于实现了对妻子的承诺:永不放弃奥运梦想。苏珊娜2007年遭遇车祸,在妻子弥留之际,守在病床边的施泰纳向她做出了上述承诺。 【细解答案】 1. B 细节理解题。Steiner以461公斤的总成绩获得冠军。文章第三段首句Steiner lifted a total of 461kg, 203kg in the snatch and 258kg in the clean and jerk, to beat Chigishev by a single kilogram.作了具体叙述。w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m 2. C 细节理解题。文章第五段首句Steiner was born in Austria and represented his country of birth at the Athens Olympics four years ago说四年前Steiner是代表奥地利队的。后来他离开奥地利举重协会加入了德国籍。 3. C 细节理解题。Steiner最后拿到护照的时间是去年的1月,而不是2月,因此C项叙述不正确。 4. A 推理判断题。第七段说Steiner had come on a mission to win the title for his wife Susann,德国队也说he used the personal tragedy to motivate himself to win the gold medal.,由此可以推知Steiner的夺金动力来自他的已故的妻子Susann。 5. C 主旨大意题。综合全文,C项《金牌告慰亡妻》能全面概括文章的大意。 (E) 字数:388 阅读时间:4ˊ30〞题数:5 难度:﹡﹡﹡﹡ As a solo artist, Brightman has sold 26 million albums and two million DVDs in 34 countries. Her musical styles put opera, pop and jazz together. She is popular in the States but not here(Britain) – the image of her and her second husband, Andrew Lloyd Webber (he much older, she his muse) seems for ever frozen. The 47-year-old singer talks about the new album Symphony that came out of a “very dark time”, including her decision to give up trying to have children. “People have suggested I could adopt,” Brightman says. “But work is central to my life now. And so I am going to put it to one side. After a while not having children becomes the norm and perhaps that might sound alarming, to parents especially, but I have never known anything different. I’m not hurt by not having children. My life and career are incredibly rich.” Talking about growing up in a large family in Berkhamsted (father a property developer who later committed suicide), she says: “I was gifted as a child, and very musical. I seemed to be good at anything to do with the arts. At 5 I understood the music I was dancing to and had an eye for costume.” She first appeared in a West End musical at 11 and hated boarding school. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m Brightman led the saucy dance troupe(辣妹三人舞) Hot Gossip and had her first hit with I Lost My Heart to a Starship Trooper in 1978. At 18 she married a music manager called Andrew Graham Stewart. “I was probably in love but I can’t remember. Girls change such a lot between 18 and 22. It didn’t really work out.” In 1981 she was spotted by Lloyd Webber. She became his leading lady in Song and Dance, Requiem and Phantom of the Opera. They married in 1984. Brightman says she felt hostility(敌意) “from the beginning. I haven’t tried to understand it. I’ve done very well everywhere else, especially the US, where I now live, I just accept it for what it is. The more you are away from Britain, the more you appreciate it. But I don’t miss it, although I miss my family. Our profession can be uncomfortable but I enjoy what I do. I get on with it.” 1. The first paragraph tells us that _____. A. Brightman is very popular around the world except in America B. Brightman’s musical style is a mixture of opera, pop and jazz C. the British people don’t like her for her style of music D. Brightman is much older than Andrew Lloyd Webber 2. Brightman decided to give up having children because _____. A. she could adopt one B. her life and career were unbelievably rich without children C. she felt it normal not to have children D. she was too busy 3. The following statements are true except ______. A. Brightman first appeared in a West End musical at 5 B. Brightman disliked life on the campus C. Brightman was very gifted when she was young w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m D.The saucy dance troupe made Brightman famous 4. The underlined word in the fourth paragraph probably means _____. A. located B. admired C. followed D. found 5. What does the author try to say in the last paragraph by quoting Brightman’s words? A. Brightman has to accept the fact that she is liked in Britain B. Brightman lives in America but she loves her own country C. The British coldness towards Brightman led to her hatred to her homeland D. Brightman was at a loss why she was not welcome in Britain 【阅读提示】莎拉·布莱曼与刘欢的《我和你》使她在中国家喻户晓。布莱曼在美国和世界其他国家也很有名气,她的专辑和DVD唱片一度火爆。但她在自己的国家英国却并不受欢迎,这让布莱曼深感困惑。 【细解答案】 1. B 细节理解题。从第一段我们可以了解到,莎拉·布莱曼的音乐特色是歌剧,流行音乐,和爵士乐的相互交融的综合产物。 2. C 细节理解题。第二段说After a while not having children becomes the norm and perhaps that might sound alarming, to parents especially, but I have never known anything different,布莱曼并没有觉得没有孩子有什么不正常的。 3. A 细节理解题。布莱曼从小就是一个有音乐天赋的孩子,她第一次登台演出是在11岁,演出剧目《西头》音乐剧。因此A项的叙述是不正确的。 4. D 词义理解题。spot意为“认出,发现”。1981年布莱曼被Webber发现,遇到了“伯乐”。 5. A 作者意图推断题。文章最后一段援引了布莱曼的话,充满了无奈。布莱曼并没有说自己因为英国人不喜欢她而痛恨英国,但她也坦言她并不想念自己的家乡,虽然只是惦念父母和家人。I just accept it for what it is说明布莱曼只有接受现实而已。w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m
