【优化指导】(新课标全国)2013高考英语总复习 课时作业1 Unit1必修1 一、单项填空1 1.When I went to watch the 16th Asian Games last month,I was greatly touched by the fact that ______people from all walks of life are working hard for ______ new Guang Zhou. A.the;a           B./;a C.the;the D./;the 解析:考查冠词用法。第一个空泛指“人们”,因此people前不用任何冠词;第二个空表示“建设一个新广州”,故用不定冠词a。句意:当我上个月去看亚运会的时候,我被来自各行各业的人为建设一个崭新的广州而勤奋的工作的这个事实所感动。 答案:B 2.The tsunami caused by the strong earthquake in Japan in 2011 and the damage______did to the people are far more than imagined. A.they B.it C.which D.that 解析:考查代词。本句主语是两个并列的名词tsunami和damage;______did to the people是the damage的定语从句。定语从句缺少主语,从意义上看定语从句的主语应为“海啸”,故用it代替。定语从句省略了在从句中作did的宾语的关系代词which或that。句意:2011年日本的大地震引起的海啸以及海啸给人们带来的损失远远超出了我们的想象。 答案:B 3.If it had been possible,I would have saved the drowning boy yesterday,but I______. A.can’t swim B.couldn’t swim C.didn’t swim D.wasn’t swim 解析:前面是一个与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,but引导的从句表示的是真实情况,“我不会游泳”是目前的事实,因此用can’t swim。句意:如果可能的话,昨天我就救那个溺水的小男孩了,但是我不会游泳。 答案:A 4.______Mid-autumn Day,rather than______in the room,I preferred______to see the moon in the blue sky. A.Having been;stay;go out B.Being;to stay;to go out C.It being;stay;to go out D.It was;to stay;go out  5.Is this the computer you wish to ______? A.have it repaired B.repair it C.have repaired it D.have repaired 解析:have sth.done表示“找人干某事”,结构中的宾语和主语都不是动作的发出者。you wish to have repaired是省略了that的定语从句,修饰先行词computer,其中that作了have的宾语。句意:这就是你想找人修的那台计算机吗? 答案:D 6.Jack was so talky as to have told them ______ we had planned to do privately the next week. A.what that B.that all C.all which D.all what  7.It’s the city ______ you are going to pay a visit to ______ this kind of beer is produced. A./;where B.where;that C./;that D.that;which 解析:第一个空是省略了that的定语从句。第二个空where引导的也是定语从句,都修饰先行词the city。 答案:A 8.I would like to know______the man said means. A.what B.that C.what what D.that what 解析:考查名词性从句。what the man said是宾语从句中的主语从句,what作said的宾语;第一个what引导宾语从句,在宾语从句中作means的宾语。 答案:C 9.Hardly ______ when the flood peak arrived. A.they had left their village B.they left their village C.did they leave their village D.had they left their village 解析:否定副词hardly放于句首构成倒装句。Hardly+had+主语+done when...did...是固定的句式。句意:他们刚离开他们的村庄,洪峰就来到了。 答案:D 10.I am studying in ______ university ______ my father once studied. A.the same;that B.the same;where C.the same;as D.as the same;as 解析:university是先行词,后面部分是定语从句,因为定语从句中不缺少主语或宾语,因此用where而不用as。此题是陷阱题,易被错看成the same...as结构而错选C项。 答案:B 11.______,I believe,and you will find Tom is very outgoing. A.Having a talk with the student B.One talk with the student C.Given a talk with the student D.If you have a talk with the student 解析:考查固定句式:祈使句+and+将来时的陈述句。此处的祈使句部分用得是名词短语。句意:我相信和那个学生谈一谈,你就会发现Tom很外向。 答案:B 12.—What do you think caused the traffic accident? —It was probably the car driver's speeding.The witness said that the car______at more than 80 kmph when it crashed. A.went B.was going C.would go D.had gone 解析:考查动词的时态。语境为“目击者说,撞车时那辆汽车正以每小时80多公里的速度行驶”,又因为状语从句的时态是过去时,故应用过去进行时。 答案:B 13.The boy spent a whole day ______ in his own room to escape being punished by his parents. A.locking B.to lock C.locked D.being locked 解析:考查非谓语动词。动词lock与主语the boy之间是被动关系,因此选用过去分词表示被锁着的状态。 答案:C 14.As time went by,Heliocentric Theory Nicolaus Copernicus had stuck ______ correct. A.to proving B.proved C.to proved D.to be proved  15.Tens of people ______in the Zhouqu mudrock flow by now. A.are still missing B.were still missing C.are still missed D.have still missed 解析:missing表示“失踪,丢失”,are still missing表示直到现在存在的状态;missed表示“错过”。此题不要受by now干扰而错选D项。 答案:A 二、阅读理解 A I was told to arrive at 6 am.I had never worked in an abattoir(屠宰场)before,but as a single mother with three kids to support,I had no other choice.Besides,it was the only place I could reach on foot. It was the year of 1989,and I was the first woman to work under the chain.The chain was made of heavy metal,with large hooks(挂钩)hanging from it.It extended(延伸)over three levels.Seven young men worked on the top level,about four meters above the ground.They would skin the dead pigs,cut off the feet,and send the bodies down the chain to the next level.Here another seven or eight men would cut the bodies into four pieces.Then they sent these pieces down to the third and lowest level,where the innards(内脏)were removed. Beside me was Mario,a large Italian man.He didn’t like a woman coming into the all-male workplace,neither did the others.I was terrified not only of the men’s dislike, but also of the chain.It moved continually along,with loud noises.Could I keep up? The chain started.It wasn’t long before the pieces came to my level.Mario began to remove the innards.He did his work with great force,covering me in blood.This raised a huge laugh along the chain.By the time we could take a rest I was a mess.But I kept quiet.I needed this job. I went back after the rest and the same thing happened.Still I kept quiet,not speaking to anyone.If anyone had spoken to me,I would have cried. But I managed to finish my work that day,and I didn’t tell my children about my awful day that night.Instead I made jokes and told them about these great guys under the chain,especially Mario. 作者是一位单身母亲,她来到屠宰场工作,却不受同事的欢迎。 1.What can we infer from the passage? A.The author enjoyed working in the abattoir at last. B.The abattoir wasn’t far away from the author’s house. C.The author was already a mother of four in the year of 1989. D.The author had experience of working in an abattoir before 1989. 解析:推理判断题。根据第一段“Besides,it was the only place I could reach on foot.”可知,该屠宰场是作者唯一可以步行抵达的地方。因此可以推知,该屠宰场离作者的家并不远。 答案:B 2.What was the work of the people on the second level? A.Skinning dead pigs. B.Cutting off the feet of dead pigs. C.Cutting the bodies of dead pigs into four pieces. D.Removing the innards from the bodies of dead pigs. 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“Seven young men worked on the top level,...and send the bodies down the chain to the next level.Here another seven or eight men would cut the bodies into four pieces.”可知,第二层的工作人员负责把猪的身体切成四块。 答案:C 3.The author felt frightened partly because of ______. A.Mario’s laugh B.the sounds of pigs C.the sight of blood D.the moving and noisy chain 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段“I was terrified not only of the men’s dislike,but also of the chain.It moved continually along,with loud noises.”可知,不停移动的、嘈杂的链子让作者感到害怕。 答案:D 4.According to the passage,the author ______. A.wasn’t the only female worker in the abattoir B.couldn’t help crying while working in the abattoir C.found her colleague just played a joke on her D.shared part of her first day in the abattoir with her kids 解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段“...I didn’t tell my children about my awful day that night.Instead I made jokes and told them about these great guys under the chain,especially Mario.”可知,作者并没有告诉她的孩子这一天有多糟糕,只是讲述了关于她同事的一些事情。因此可知答案。 答案:D B One day you walk down to a local food store for dinner.Then you are on the way back home.Suddenly you find a piano has fallen on the footpath,right where you pass every day.If you had set out ten minutes earlier,you would have been hit.You must think that’s frightening.Then just imagine how the earth feels. Early in 1987 an asteroid(小行星)measuring half a mile in diameter(直径)came by,missing our planet by merely six orbital hours.An orbital hour is simply a measure of how far the earth moves around the sun in one hour.So,had we been six hours ahead of where we are,or had the asteroid come by six hours later, hello enormous collision(碰撞).And, quite possibly,everything may disappear. Oh come on,you may say.Would a collision really have been that serious?After all,the earth has a diameter of eight thousand miles.Being hit by a half-mile wide asteroid would be like being tapped by a big ball.In one sense,that is true.The earth itself would not be moved from its orbit,or anything that dramatic.But we who live here would definitely have noticed.Calculations have shown that the explosion would have been equal to one thousand million tons of explosives(炸药)going off all at once.A mass of dust would have been thrown up into the stratosphere(平流层),gradually darkening the skies and getting the planet cold for months or even years.Many scientists believe just this kind of thing wiped out the dinosaurs,by changing the environment rapidly. 早在1987年,一颗小行星差点撞上地球。你知道小行星撞上地球会带来怎样的后果吗?可能最直接的后果就是几个月甚至几年的寒冷天气。 5.The imaginary experience in Paragraph 1 is written to ______. A.tell a story B.give advice C.raise the topic D.provide facts 解析:推理判断题。根据后文描述可知,第一段叙述的假想经历是为了引出本文的话题,即小行星撞上地球会有什么后果。 答案:C 6.Through Paragraph 2 the author wants to show us ______. A.what the orbital hour is B.six hours makes a difference C.how risky an asteroid can be D.the common width of an asteroid 解析:推理判断题。第二段介绍了什么是轨道小时。1987年一颗小行星仅差6个轨道小时就撞击到了地球。如果地球提早绕行6小时或者这颗小行星晚6小时靠近地球,都会导致巨大的碰撞,既而很可能一切灰飞烟灭。因此,通过第二段作者想向我们介绍6个小时关系重大,改变了地球的命运。 答案:B 7.What is probably the direct result of an asteroid hitting the earth? A.A big hole in the earth. B.The rapid global warming. C.The disappearance of animals. D.The low temperature of the earth. 解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段“A mass of dust would have been thrown up into the stratosphere,gradually darkening the skies and getting the planet cold for months or even years.”可知,小行星撞击地球后,尘土被抛向平流层,黑暗逐渐吞没天空,使地球数月甚至数年处于寒冷之中。由此可知,小行星撞击地球可能的直接后果就是地球上的低温。 答案:D 8.Where can we most probably read this text? A.In a science magazine. B.In a travel guide. C.In a film review. D.In a storybook.  版权所有:高考资源网(www.ks5u.com)
