【优化指导】(新课标全国)2013高考英语总复习 课时作业23 Unit3必修5 一、单项填空 1.Jack couldn’t remember the exact date of the typhoon,but he knew it was______Sunday,because everybody was at ______church. A./;the          B./;a C.a;/ D.the;/ 解析:考查冠词用法。句意:Jack记不得台风的准确日期了,但是他知道那是一个星期天,因为大家都在教堂做礼拜。第一个空表示“一个星期天”用a;第二个空at church是固定短语表示“在做礼拜”。 答案:C 2.—Did you go to visit Shanghai Expo Site in the summer holiday? —No.I ______,but I had too many important problems to settle at hand. A.had B.would C.was going to D.did 解析:was going to 表示“本打算干某事而没干”。而would必须跟have才表示过去“本会干某事”。答语句意:没去。我本打算去的,但当时手头有太多的重要的问题要处理。 答案:C 3.Barack Obama told millions ______ him that his grandmother’s influence on ______ he is and the way he views the world was significant. A.watched;how B.watching;who C.watching;where D.to watch;what 解析:考查非谓语动词及名词性从句。watching him作millions的后置定语,二者之间在逻辑上是主动关系;第二个空who引导的是宾语从句。 答案:B 4.How long do you think ______ the computer company brings out a new product? A.will it be until B.it will be before C.will it be when D.it will be that 解析:考查特殊句式。此题是含有do you think的双重疑问句,后面的部分用陈述语序。 答案:B 5.—So I’m going to make the desk myself. —Why ______ instead? A.not buy it B.don’t buy one C.not buy one D.don’t buy it 6.______,I still do not love her for I am married. A.As I admire her very much B.Her as I admire very much C.Much as I admire her D.Much although I admire her 解析:考查倒装结构。as引导的让步状语从句用倒装语序。句意:尽管我很敬佩她,但我仍然不爱她,因为我已经结婚了。 答案:C 7.Students in this school don’t have classes on Wednesday afternoon,which is a(n) ______,for teachers have a meeting. A.action B.practice C.experience D.sense 解析:考查名词辨析。句意:星期三下午这个学校的学生没有课,这是惯例,因为老师们要开会。这里practice意为“惯例”,指星期三下午不上课是一种惯例。 答案:B 8.______ and you will find the church. A.Walking one more mile B.To walk another one mile C.If you walk another one mile D.One more mile 解析:考查特殊句式:祈使句+and you will...“如果……那么你将……”,此题中的one more mile名词性短语相当于祈使句Walk one more mile.。 答案:D 9.It was five o’clock in the afternoon ______ they climbed up to the top of the mountain. A.since B.when C.that D.until 解析:此句为一主从复合句。when引导主语从句;若看作强调结构,应在five前加at。句意:他们爬上山顶的时候是下午5点钟。 答案:B 10.When he realized the police had seen him,the man______ the exit as quickly as possible. A.made up B.made for C.made out D.made off 解析:make for...表示“向某地走去”;make off 后常接介词,表示“从……跑掉”;make out 有“看出;理解;开(收据等);进展;装出”等含义;make up有“编造;和解;弥补;化装;构成”等含义。 答案:B 11.Exercise is ______ as any other to lose unwanted weight. A.so useful a way B.as a useful way C.as useful a way D.such useful way 解析:本题考查as...as比较结构,另:as,so,too,how+adj.+a+单数可数名词。句意:锻炼和其他减肥的方法一样好。 答案:C 12.______ the temperature might drop,coal was prepared for warming. A.To consider B.Considered C.Considering D.To be considered 解析:根据句意,该空须填一个连词。considering连词,“就……而论;照……来看”。 答案:C 13.—Tom,you are caught late again. —Oh,______. A.not at all B.just my luck C.never mind D.that’s all right 解析:just my luck是习语,意思为“真倒霉!”。not at all和that’s all right多用于对方感谢时的应答语,“不客气”。never mind用于对方道歉时的应答语,“没关系”。 答案:B 14.This is the ______ bag ______ lost yesterday,but it’s not mine. A.same;as B.same;that C.very;that D.such;as 解析:the same...that“和……一样(原物)”; the same...as“和……类似”。句意:这个包和昨天丢的那个一个样式的,但它不是我的。 答案:A 15.The girl spent as much time as she ______ her lessons. A.could going over B.could go over C.went them over D.went over 解析:as much time as she could是spent的宾语;going over是in的宾语,in被省略了。 答案:A 二、阅读理解 A The Torch Festival is a traditional festival celebrated among some ethnic groups(少数民族)in southwestern China,such as the Yi,Hani,Lisu,and Naxi etc..The festival usually falls in early June of the lunar calendar or on the 24th or 25th of the month,with three days of celebrations.The origin of the festival may have something to do with the adoration of fire by ancestors,who believed fire had the power to protect crop growth from insects and evils.For some ethnic groups,traditionally the festival is the time for elders to share farming experience with young people and educate them on taking care of crops. Lighting up torches is the most important event of the festival,so it’s got the name.During the festival,big torches are set up in all villages,with small torches placed in front of the door of each household.When night falls,the villages are lit up as bright as daytime.Meanwhile,people walk around the fields and villages,holding small torches and placing the torches in the field corners.Inside the villages,young men and women are singing and dancing around the big torches throughout the night. Other activities like song and dance parties,horse races,arrow shooting,wrestling(摔跤)and swinging etc.are also held during the carnival.And there are trade markets going on.In some areas,various religious ceremonies are performed to pray for a harvest. In a horse race of the Yi people in Yunnan,torches are used to form hurdles(栏杆)for riders to get through;the Hani people in Yunnan traditionally attach various fruits to torches with strings.When the strings are broken by the torch fire,people feel the ground for the fruits for good luck.For the Lisu people in Sichuan,during the festival,people holding big torches walk in long lines,forming a fire dragon.If one line meets another,they will exchange torches. 文章介绍了我国西南少数民族地区的一个重要节日——火把节。 1.Originally,people lit torches during the torch festival to ______. A.drive away insects and evils B.celebrate crop harvests C.light up the villages and fields D.memorize their ancestors 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“The origin of the festival may have something to do with the adoration of fire by ancestors,who believed fire had the power to protect crop growth from insects and evils.”可知,火把节起源于祖先对火的崇拜。祖先们认为火具有驱逐害虫和恶魔来保护庄稼的能力。所以最初人们在火把节点燃火把是为了驱逐害虫和恶魔来保护他们的庄稼。 答案:A 2.All the festival activities are mentioned in the passage EXCEPT ______. A.learning how to farm B.singing and dancing C.buying and selling D.enjoying big dinners 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“For some ethnic groups,traditionally the festival is the time for elders to share farming experience with young people and educate them on taking care of crops.”可知,对于一些少数民族而言火把节上老人教导年轻人如何耕种;再根据第二段“Inside the villages,young men and women are singing and dancing around the big torches throughout the night.”可知,火把节上年轻人围着一个大火把载歌载舞;最后根据第三段“And there are trade markets going on.”可知,火把节上还有贸易集市。只有D项未提及。 答案:D 3.Looking for fruits in the dark is the festival activity of ______. A.the Yi people       B.the Hani people C.the Lisu people D.the Naxi people 4.Which of the following can be used as the title of the text? A.The Torch Festival B.Lighting up torches C.Traditions and cultures of China D.The ethnic groups of China 解析:主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了我国西南少数民族地区的“火把节”。 答案:A B Recovery from bulimia(贪食症)is difficult,but a beautiful journey!You’ll come across many challenges—but once you’ve beaten them,the world will look much more beautiful.You can recover from this illness—I promise!Remember:If I recovered—you can too! I began throwing up(呕吐)when I was just a kid...Back then I didn’t know why I did that.But now I can see that it was the result of my seeking so-called fashionable diets. I was only 8 years old when my aunty phoned my mom saying that I’d thrown up my dinner...I told them it was just a party trick,and they ignored it.Their reaction made me realize that this‘trick’of mine should be a secret...I would continue doing it,but would never let anyone know. As I got older,this secret habit got more and more serious,and this carried on for years.During my first year of university,at the age of 20,I wasted over $20,000 on food from the school dining hall. Finally,after having had bulimia for nearly 12 years,I decided enough was enough.I was close to death—I could feel it in every part of my body.I needed help,and I made an appointment with a counselor(顾问)of my university.One year later,I graduated from university.I was proud of myself for getting my degree...But there was a deeper pride and strength inside my mind.I had beaten bulimia.It had been a long and difficult road—but I’d done it. 作者从小就患有贪食症,随着年龄的增长,这一疾病变得越来越严重,作者最后选择了向她的大学老师寻求帮助,并且克服了贪食症。 5.What might cause the writer’s bulimia according to the text? A.Her improper diets. B.Lack of her parents’ love. C.Lack of communication with others. D.Her bad habit of throwing up. 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“But now I can see that it was the result of my seeking so-called fashionable diets.”可知,作者现在知道她的贪食症是她追求所谓的时尚饮食的结果。即作者的贪食症是由她不合适的饮食引起的。 答案:A 6.It can be learned from the third paragraph that______. A.the author didn’t like her aunty at all B.the author liked to keep everything secret C.the author’s family took her illness seriously D.the author didn’t want other people to find the truth 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段“Their reaction made me realize that this‘trick’of mine should be a secret...I would continue doing it,but would never let anyone know.”可知,作者从她们的反应中发现,她呕吐这件事不能让别人知道。即作者不想让别人知道她呕吐这个事实。 答案:D 7.What can be inferred from the last paragraph? A.The author almost felt hopeless at that time. B.The author only believed her university counselor. C.he author’s university counselor offered to help her. D.The author’s university counselor majored in bulimia. 解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段“I was close to death—I could feel it in every part of my body.”可知,作者感觉自己快死了。由此推断,作者那时几乎感到绝望了。 答案:A 8.The passage is written for people______. A.who also suffer from bulimia B.who major in bulimia at university C.who want to form a good habit of dieting D.who are eager to get a degree at university  版权所有:高考资源网(www.ks5u.com)
